
Dec 28, 2007 19:41

It's been so long since I've written here, I couldn't immediately remember my password. I've been bad about journaling since I started my new job. Most of my free time is spent doing things that don't require a computer. I'm also addicted to Scrabulous on Facebook and I would argue, though, that there are much worse addictions! At least this way I'm broadening my vocabulary.

I had an AMAZING holiday. Christmas was a very good day. Of course, we missed Kelly. But I was happy to know she was spending the holiday with a friend. Matt and I woke up late-ish. We made french toast for breakfast and wolfed it down. After breakfast, we opened the presents we had gotten each other. Good stuff this year! Matt got me the new Harry Potter DVD, hardcover versions of Harry Potter 1-3, a travel book - with interesting places marked, a set of portable iPod speakers so I can jam out anywhere in the apartment (including the shower!), and a transmitter to play my iPod in the car. After presents, we decorated our gingerbread house. Matt had cut out and baked the pieces beforehand. We weren't sure it was going to hold up, but it's still standing. It was fun to decorate, but next year we'll be better prepared (it's going to be one of our traditions). We headed to my mom and dad's house in the late afternoon to have dinner. We had a really nice time there. We ate some good food, opened some more presents, watched Casino Royale and enjoyed hanging out.

The rest of the week has been really nice, too. I could get used to Matt not going to work until I do. And watching movies all day. :)

This weekend (tomorrow) we're headed to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure to use up some passes that are going to expire. After the park, we're going to check out a beer bar. We're staying the night and coming back Sunday. We haven't figured out New Year's plans yet, but dancing could be involved. Some friends are in town, so hopefully we'll be able to spend it with them.

If you haven't done so already, check out the joint blog ( for our holiday message. And some Christmas pictures.

Hope you all are having as good a time as I am!
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