
Sep 16, 2007 16:34

I barely have time to read LJ anymore. Now that I have a job that actually requires me to do work. It's a small bummer.

The memorial service for my uncle was Sept. 7th. It was harder than I thought it would be. I should have cried more. Everytime I started to, I would fight the tears back. I guess I was trying to be strong for everyone else. It's kind of what I do. But, it was really hard. My aunt Carol hugged me, really tight, and that made me almost lose it entirely. Even thinking about it, I can feel the tears in the back of my eyes. It wasn't much of a service, but it was nice the VFW did something. It was odd to have the majority of people smoking and drinking during the service, but, to be honest, it's probably what Roger would have wanted. There were so many things I never knew about him. I should really make the most of my relatives while they're still around, ya know? There was a church funeral for him in MN on Friday and a service at Fort Snelling. I guess that's where his ashes will rest. The more I think about it, the more I think I want to be cremated. And have my ashes spread around. It's kind of creepy when people the jars on mantles and such.

My sister is leaving for Ethiopia in 17 days. Seventeen short days. I feel like I've barely seen her since she's been back from D.C. Chances are, I won't see her for 2+ years. That's a long time. And, it's finally sinking in that she's leaving. Again, I've been the strong one. I've been the one reassuring everyone else that she'll be fine. That what's she's doing is a great opportunity. That this experience will be so good for her. I do believe those things. But, we don't know if she'll have phone access or Internet. And mail takes weeks to get to her. Packages are hundreds of dollars to send and there's so much mail theft, there's no guarantee she'll even get what we send. There are just so many unknowns at this point. I'll feel better when I have an address for her. Right now we just know she'll be in the capital for three months training. Then she'll be sent somewhere. I don't necessarily worry about her getting raped or killed or mauled by a lion. But, it will be hard not being able to see her and talk to her like I do now. It'll be an adjustment. A hard one, for sure. I'm still really proud of her, though, and probably one of her biggest cheerleaders. I'm naysaying the naysayers.

My job is still going fantastically. I love fixing other people's mistakes. It's kind of a sick, twisted pleasure. It makes me feel ... a little bit powerful, I think. We're getting new people next week which I'm conflicted about. It'll be nice to have extra help, and I'll get to develop my design skills more. But there are times when I feel like there are too many of us as it is. I'm excited about the new girl though; we seemed to have some things in common when she interviewed here.

Next week my cousin Todd is getting married. I'd like to credit my engagement with pushing him to pop the question. Kidding. I'm excited to be going to MN. I wasn't originally going to attend, but I decided it would be the last "family" trip we'd take for a while. So, mom, dad, sis and I are all heading up there. Besides, I love seeing my family. It doesn't happen often enough. Isn't it funny how once you get married, everyone you know gets married? I've been to more weddings since getting married than I have in the last 10 years - maybe even my whole lifetime. It's just an odd coincidence; a consequence of my age, I suppose.

Speaking of age, I don't feel 26. I do but I don't. I've been watching "What Not to Wear" since having cable again and a lot of the women they have on the show are around 26. Still stuck in their college gear. I've been noticing what I wear and how I look a lot more often. I mean, I always try to look put together, but I've been looking at my t-shirts in a slightly different light lately. The new job has a lot to do with this. But, I think fit is more important than content. I mean, some of my t-shirts are silly, and Clinton and Stacey would throw them away, but I like them. I don't know, I've just been more self-aware than usual lately. I do like working weekends though - yay for casual days! It's sometimes nice to wear jeans and a t-shirt to work. Oh, and being able to zone out with my iPod is fun too. The other night, I told Matt I liked the way I walked in heels better than in flip flops. I can kind of feel myself becoming a high heel girl...

I'm three beers away from completing my beer list at Stubbies. For those of you who don't know, Stubbies is my favorite local bar. They have a beer list deal - drink 100 different beers in a year and get a t-shirt (or glass). I started my list Oct. 6th, 2006. It's taken me almost the full year, but I'm almost there! Being a repeat offender will definitely be more fun - you get to drink whatever beers you want. You can drink 100 of the same beers. As long as you do it in a year. Fun stuff!

I really think that's all the news I've got to report. All in all, life is still good. :)
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