Busy weekend

Aug 10, 2007 09:46

I've got about 10 hours of work left at the hospital. The countdown has begun!

I'm very excited to be starting my new job. Normally I would be freaking out about all the big changes in my life but I'm cool as a cucumber.

Matt and I are moving into a new apartment. Starting today. We're picking up our keys at noon and are going to try to move all that we can today. We've got until the 14th to be out of our other apartment. I'm so thankful for that overlap. Having to move everything in one day sucks!

Tomorrow I've got a wedding in Tampa. Some college friends are tying the knot. I'm really excited about it. They are really great together. Plus it'll be a reunion of sorts; I'll get to see some friends I haven't seen in awhile. And my sister is going with me, so that'll be a blast.

April said it best yesterday - I'm ready for all these changes. I've been wanting this job at The Sun for about a year now. And, I've wanted an apartment/place that belongs to just Matt and I. I'm loving every minute of my life right now! It's been awhile since I've been able to say that - and it feels good!!

workin' 9-5, it's a good thing

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