Way awesome weekend/week!

May 16, 2007 10:37

I had the BEST weekend I've had in a long time. It started Thursday night. Matt, Kelly and I went to our favorite martini place for $5 martinis. I had two yummy martinis. They make the best espresso martini in town. They closed at 10 p.m., which we didn't realize, and so we headed to Stubbies, our favorite beer bar. Our friend Rudy met us there. We all had a couple of beers there. And took some pictures:

(more pictures on my myspace page)
Then Rudy, Kelly and I headed to UC for the drag show at midnight. Kelly and I were pretty drunk already but I thought it would be a good idea for Rudy and I to do a shot when we got there. He and I got a shot of Goldschlager - which went down really smooth (probably a sign of how intoxicated I was). We didn't see much of the drag show since there were a bunch of people in front of us. But, at one point, some ballad came on and some random gay guy and I started singing to each other and reaching out to each other. Pretty funny. At some point, Kelly, Rudy and I did a red-headed slut shot (Jager, Peach Schnapps and Cranberry - yuck!) which also went down really well. After the drag show, we all started dancing! Oh my goodness! That was so much fun. There were so many people on the dance floor and it was so hot and sweaty but it was great! We left the club after dancing for about an hour, met up with Matt and headed home. Grabbed a pizza on the way and pigged out. I made myself stay up until I felt less drunk and ended up falling asleep on the couch.

Friday I had the day off. I woke up feeling surprisingly well. I slept in until about 9:30 and then I got up to start packing. Kelly picked me up around 10:30 and we headed to Naples for a friend's wedding and to see Megan and her fiance. We were hoping to hit the beach but it was way too cloudy/smokey. On the way down there we hit two really smokey, low visibility areas. We must have literally been driving right next to the fires. It was bad. Once we made it down there, we stopped at Target, grabbed some lunch and then checked into the hotel. I drove Kelly to her rehearsal shortly after and spent the night chilling by myself. I went to Barnes and Noble to grab a coffee and hang out. I was hoping to catch the sunset but it was too cloudy/hazy. I also planned to take myself out for a fabulous dinner, but I was not feeling very well and ended up not eating dinner that night. :( Around 10:30, I went to hang out with Megan. So much fun! I love just hanging out with her. I think we're back on track now and it feels so nice! I picked Kelly up afterward and headed back to the hotel. Either I was really tired or the bed was just what I need - but I slept like a baby!

Next morning I woke up and met Megan for breakfast. We ate at a somewhat-healthy place. I had french toast with wheat germ, powdered sugar and fruit. Yum-o! After breakfast I dropped Megan off, rushed to the hotel and dropped Kelly at the country club to get ready. I decided it was a perfect beach day and so I stopped at the hotel, grabbed my stuff and headed to the beach for an hour. I parallel parked for the first time and it was perfect! I did have a lot of room though. :) The beach was so nice! I waded in the water, got some sun and relaxed listening to my iPod and the waves. After an hour was up, I drove back to the hotel to get ready for the wedding. My parents and Matt finally made it to town, got ready and we all headed to the church. Jenn was gorgeous! And so was Kelly! The ceremony was a Catholic service; kind of an odd set up. We had a break between the ceremony and the reception so we headed to Target to get film and batteries. While there, I found Harry Potter chocolate frogs! So fun! Each pack had two frogs and three wizard cards. I was really excited by that. We had just enough time to stop back by the hotel, freshen up and then head to the reception. Yay for open bar all night! Although I didn't get drunk. The reception was fun and the food was yummy. Kelly was drunk and mom was playing mom/doctor to some drunk girl at the end of the night. After FINALLY getting someone to take us back to the hotel (thanks, dad!), Matt and I headed over to Megan's again to hang out. Matt and Aaron got to meet, and we hung out with a few people. We were there till 2 a.m.! I couldn't believe it.

Sunday we slept late, got all our stuff together and checked out of the hotel. We drove to Pine Island to see my aunt and uncle for lunch. Then my parents sped to Tampa to get Kelly to the airport and Matt and I headed home. When we got home, we spent some time with Abi and then headed out to see Spiderman 3. Kind of a cheesy movie. I went to bed later than usual that night feeling kind of sick. Monday I woke up with a sore throat, my head hurting and my body aching. I think I might have had a fever Monday and Tuesday but today I feel much better. I haven't done much more than sleep the last two nights and I think that helped.

Yesterday one of my bestest friends in Gainesville moved to Balitmore. I'm really going to miss her. She had been in Cali for about two weeks before that so I didn't get to see her much before she left. Tickets to Baltimore are pretty cheap though, so I'm definitely going to visit her.

Tonight is the Top Model finale! I'm so excited to see it!!

Tomorrow, I think, is $5 martinis with the doctors from work. Regardless, I think I'll go with Matt and get my pre-birthday espresso martini.

Friday is my birthday! Not very exciting, actually. I'll be 26. No big deal. But hopefully I'll have a yummy dinner with friends and family. And a drink or two. Maybe even some dancing afterward!
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