(no subject)

May 08, 2007 11:56

Christina Aguilera was amazing! Her voice .. it gave me goosebumps. It was such, such, such a good show! Lots of set and costume changes. The Pussycat Dolls opened for her and we caught a few of their songs. We showed up late on purpose. I had no interest in the first band and only a mild interest in seeing the Dolls. I got to hear "Don't Cha" which was fun (it was my phone ringtone for awhile). Next time I see Christina, I'm buying tickets right away. We were on the second level - which was OK, I could still see everything - but no one was dancing. She sang "Dirrty" and I hopped up to dance. I love that song! A couple of other girls in my row danced for a few seconds, then dropped back to their seats. LAME! There were all sorts of people there - which was funny. Old women all hootched out, young kids, gay and straight men. I had a great time. Matt and I ate at a yummy Thai restaurant before the concert. Yellow curry is one of my new favorite foods.

Kelly's graduation went well. She didn't trip on stage or anything like that. After the ceremony we went to a Japanese steakhouse for dinner. Yummy. I had scallops. They are always so good when we go to Yamato. Unfortunately we had to wait about 2 hours for dinner - even though we had reservations. It was the place to be after graduation, apparently.

There are big fires near Gainesville today. The smoke was killing me this morning. It was all I could smell and my eyes were burning. I can't imagine being in the heart of it. They aren't lying when they say we need some rain around here! There have been about 5 major fires in the last week in/around Florida.

Matt and I have decided to go on a "diet" of sorts. We've both been feeling really bad/uncomfortable. So, we're being vegans for a week. Maybe more if it goes well. So far it hasn't been bad. The thing I'll miss most is dairy. It's not really hard for me since I've been bringing veggie curry for lunch and having nut mix as a snack. Breakfast is a little tricky but if we decide to stay on the diet longer, I'm sure we can find some vegan breakfast recipes. I've been doing oatmeal (with water) and fruit. We aren't being crazy strict about it but we haven't had meat or dairy since Friday night. Over the weekend Matt whipped up some veggie and bean (lentil and split peas) dishes so that's what we've been having for lunch. Yum-o! It's actually not as hard to do as I thought it would be. We can still eat risotto, couscous, pitas, etc. and the obvious fruits and veggies. It'll be good for us. And maybe I'll lose a pound or two! *crosses fingers*
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