Apartment search

Apr 23, 2007 14:45

I've been trying to find an apartment for Matt and I. We are moving out of Hawaiian Village (after 5 years for me!) in August. The place is falling apart and I think the complex is in financial trouble. It's best to get out before they go bankrupt and we have to find a place to live with little notice. The search has been hell. I can't find anything that fits our needs and isn't a shithole. We wanted a 2/2 with about as much space as we have now, something that allows pets and has a washer and dryer. For less than $900/month. Shouldn't be that hard to find, right? WRONG! Everything I've found is either in the ghetto or just as crappy as the place we're in now.

Matt and I looked at this place last Thursday and he really liked it. I thought the kitchen was a little small. And I'm not thrilled that it's a two-story place. But, we're going to sign a lease with them today. We'll make it work. And if I hate it, we'll move again next year. I just have to remember it's temporary.

It does have W/D hookups (and optional W/D rental), they are giving us $40 off the rent for signing within 48 hours (they are closed weekends - so that didn't count) and they are OK with having a 65 lb dog in the apartment.

I think I'm just freaking out because I hate moving. Which is why I've stayed in the same place for so long. I immediately start stressing about where we're going to put everything. We're downsizing a little bit - especially in the bedrooms. I just hope everything fits. I guess whatever doesn't fit, we'll sell. I'm too materialistic anyways.

Also, Matt and I don't fight. But we've been arguing about this apartment thing. He could live in a box. When we met he was living in a 1/1 with no furniture. He slept on the floor. I like to be comfortable in my living space. I spend a lot of time there. He's making me feel like I'm just being ... a baby. In fact, he just told me I was impossible. He's probably right.
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