
Mar 09, 2007 08:42

Matt and I will be doing a lot of traveling this year. Seems everyone we know (well, a good chunk of people) is getting married.

March 22-25 we will be in Georgia for my best friend's wedding. It's my first time being a bridesmaid. :D

April 13-16 I'll be in Colorado visiting Megan, hanging with Aaron and meeting Nathan. I'm psyched.

In May, my friend Jenn is getting married in Naples. Also in May, Kelly will be home for a good chunk of time.

June.. I don't think we've got anything going on. Yet.

In the first part of July, Matt and I will be flying to DC for a few days and then heading to Germany. Yes, GERMANY! We are SO excited. Beyond words, excited. He was chosen as one of 40 people picked from the U.S. to attend the Lindau Nobel Laureate Conference. So, he'll make some great connections, we'll explore a foreign country, meet lots of interesting people and drink some great beer!! The whole thing is an amazing opportunity for us. We're so excited - and thankful! Yay Department of Energy!

In August we may be attending another conference in New Hampshire. Although, I might have to sit that one out.

In September (if I still have time off) my cousin Todd is getting married in Minnesota.

In October my best friend is getting married in Colorado.

That's what we've got planned for now. This year is going to fly by!


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