(no subject)

Sep 27, 2006 15:49

I've been feeling a little down. I think it's the stress of having 16 days until my wedding! Yesterday I was a rollercoaster of emotions. Even spent a few minutes crying in the bathroom. I ended up .. drained last night and feeling pretty down/blah. Plopped in front of the TV (watching Harry Potter) and sipped on a Jack and Coke. I couldn't even tell Matt what I wanted for dinner, I was so tired.

Speaking of Matt, I'm a lucky girl. It's good that even when I'm feeling bluer than blue, he can cheer me up. Even if I'm not happy per se, I still feel better when he's around. And he tolerates my moods so well! I'm sure it's no fun when I'm mopey. But he is constantly trying to make me feel better. Ah, I love him.

We met with Paige (our reception coordinator) on Monday. Things are really coming together there. Even though there will be almost no decorations in the room. Oh well. Don't sweat the small stuff. That's just more opportunity for all eyes to be on Matt and I! (Yikes!) We set up the service - for the most part - with our pastor last night. We've paid off our cake and Matt ordered the groom's cake today.
We're meeting with the florist and ordering flowers tomorrow. We've been getting the last minute stuff in the mail. It's been fun to get so many packages! I think we're basically set. I worry because .. well, that's what I do. But I think we're in good shape.

Tonight is TV night. Nothing like America's Next Top Model and Project Runway to cheer me up. Oh, and dinner with the parent's is always nice too.

going to the chapel, ain't no other man, it's just fashion!

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