Where to Start?

Jun 24, 2002 19:46

Well, how about with yesterday. I had a wonderful day. It was gorgeous outside, even though I wasn't dressed for it. It was the 2nd day of racing, and Jason did extremely well. I was proud. :) Then we went to see Insomnia, which was really good, and we won a "date night." Two movie tickets, a large popcorn and two drinks. It was really cool. Then Jason took me out to learn how to drive stick. It was pretty easy, but I have to get used to it. Next thing you know, I will be racing too! LOL...maybe. After that, I came home and got a really good nights rest.

So, then I woke up today. At 6:44 and realized my alarm wasn't set. So I got up and set it. The funny thing is that I was having a dream that I was really late to work right before I woke up. After I woke up again, my day turned shitty. I woke up feeling like crap. I was way too rushed this morning. I wanted to take the bus, but missed it. Then I realized I have no gas in my car. I could stop at a gas station, but I have no money for gas. Or anything else for that matter. I have 2 bills due this week, but my checks haven't come in yet. Then I get to work, and the store looks like shit. So I have to clean up after everyone. I had a crappy day at work...I swear I am the only one that does anything around there. I was just in no mood to deal with people, yet I had to. Which made my mood even worse. I was stressing about everything today. Not having money, finding a new job, thinking about classes, thinking about Jason, thinking about John, wondering why Jen and I never hang out and barely speak to each other....everything. And to top everything off, the only person that I really really talked to at work is gone for the summer. Come back April! I work with my best friend, who I saw today for a split second. I don't see her anymore. Don't know why. I know she is busy with work, but she is not to busy for anyone but me. That's how I feel anyways. And I know she thinks I'm always with Jason, but every time I try to do something with her, she can't squeeze me in. Plus, I was supposed to get a package from my best friend in CO today, and it didn't come. :( So that was my shitty day. It didn't really get better when I got home either. I was hoping that taking a bath with my cool jet thing would help, but it really didn't. Now I am just sitting here, typing away. Wasting my time because I doubt anyone reads this. And sipping Parrot Bay. That's not really helping either.

I think I want to go out tonight. The band that my ex-ex boyfriend is in is playing tonight, but then that means I have to go deal with all the people I am hating from work right now. Don't know if I am up for that. Oh yeah, James works with me at the bookstore. And so does Jen, and so does his girlfriend, and all the people that used to like me but now prefer him. Ugh! I hate him. Why did he have to move up here? What was I thinking when I got him a job at the bookstore? NEVER, EVER work with your boyfriend or girlfriend. I swear it has caused nothing but stress and drama.

Well, this is stressing me out even more. I think I just need to go escape into my alcohol. Hope everyone is having a much better day than I am!

my girls, worst day since yesterday, dinero, exes

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