Well, Yeah. It's Monday and I'm still sad because of yesterday! I know that Germany didn't play very good and that Spain deserved the win. But still...
I watched the game in Chemnitz and I have to say it was awesome! Have to do it again in 2010 *_* XD~
Saturday is "Ärzte"-time *_* YAY XD~ I'm so exited about it <33~ I#m sure it's going to be
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I was so sad for everyone of them. And as I saw Lehman standig there all alone I cried even more ;.;
....[how are you, btw?] XD
I don't think the Lehman could've saved that goal... Torres, when on the goal front, he will score. I think if it weren't for good olde Lehman they'd have been at least 2-0 down. I'ma going to miss him playing at Arsenal D=
((What is it they say about football uniting the nations?))
I'm not too bad, how about you?
Yeah... football <3333 *big loves* I'm writing on footballfics at the moment... but in German.. I'm not ready to write in English yet. Maybe later XD~
I'm fine.. Just tired.. And it's so warm -.-" *dies* XD~
I luffles footy; I'm a Gunner Gal (Arsenal FC). Footy fics you say?? What are they like? I have a friend who absolutely adores German- wants to do a joint honours in French and German, perhaps I shall get her to translate.
Warm you say? Fancy sending some of that our way? It was crud weather today and we were supposed to be having a picnic out by the Close (a luverly field outside our infamous Cathedral) instead we had to relocate it to someone's house. -_-
*sends you a lot warm weather* we have enough of it xD 30 °C <3333
Warm weather *grabs it* We're having the oddest weather, torrential downpours and then two seconds later glorious sunshine. Tis weird. Hopefully your good weather will do us some good!
That's odd.. but hey.. now you have my great, warm weather to help you!!!! FTW! XD~
But don't use it all.. I need warm weather for this weekend xD
Warm weather XDDDD I need some of it tonight, there's a *cough*rock*cough* festival going on in my town. Really it's not a culmination of loads of local rock bands- but they've got Doctor and The Medics today (the guys who originally sung 'Spirit in the Sky') and my family is having a BBQ with another family whose kids I haven't actually seen for 3 years so my brother and I are looking for ways to entertain them. Sounds like it'll be a rock festival for us tonight. Whooo -_- *deadpans and dies*
Ah, what are you up to this weekend that requires the warm weather?
Oh that sounds exciting, better than ours was no doubt. Lame as anything, we went back home and played the PS2 (Guitar hero) and COD4. It's still going on now actually, better get back!
Hope your concert went well, I want to hear all about it!
But Guitar hero and COD is awesome xD~
About the concert.. well I'll write an entry about it XDD
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