Der deutsche Marktführer RTL hat auf der seit gestern stattfindenden Fernsehmesse MIPCOM die Ausstrahlungsrechte für die britische Fantasyserie „Merlin“ erworben, die seit wenigen Wochen samstags auf BBC 1 läuft.
Da is der ganze ArtikelOch bitte... Ich hab jetzt schon Angst vor der Synchro... und der Sendezeit... und dem 100%ig folgendem Absetzen
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But I adore Merlin so much *_* and I loooooooooooooooooooove your Icon <3 sooo sexy!!!!!
Merlin is such a good show though, you can suffer on through it to see the Merlin! I mean, it's such a great show with CGI that makes you cringe and storylines that are so inaccurate, but great actors and it's so much fun and sooo much slash!
Arthur = Love. He is so very, very beautiful.
And yes! Merlin is slash <333333 *_* hehe
What charries to you slash on there? I'm personally a Arthur/Merlin fan and the comm for that is so fun =D And really crazy xD
Always Arthur/Merlin <3333~ I mean... even the guy I watched it with yesterday saw it xDDDD and THAT means something.
Well, come on over to the slashiness:
The people over there are really nice and they are covered in fan-girl squeeages. Plus there is a tonne of fic. =D
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