This is why rats live in cages. This also what happens when said rats get out of their cage and are aloud to run rampant through the apartment all night. Honestly, we're very lucky they didn't do more damage (we have many cords around laptops/xbox/tv/harddrives... that are very chewy). That said, I'm still not happy about this ;_;... not horribly attached to these shoes, but it still means I have to get new shoes.
In other news, our Magic geekiness is being fueled even more. Aside from the (nearly) endless supply of cards from Alex, we now have our own huge box on cards that Bill's brother had sitting in a closet and forgot about because he doesn't play anymore. We've found som really cool cards and some really really rare cards ^_^. We will also never have a shortage of land ever again.
There are some other things I want to rant about,. but I'll save it for another post. maybe I'll post twice in one week!!!! O_o probably not.