Mar 28, 2005 22:15 around noon I opened my inbox and saw I had an email from the director of the internship program I had applied for (and then found out I didn't get an internship through it...). I gave a little squeal...b/c I had no reason to be hearing from him unless it was something good. so I read it and said that there was now an opening in one of the projects I had applied for and if I was still interested to contact him asap. So I called him right away and told him I was definitellyyy interested in it still. sooo, I GOT THE INTERNSHIP!!!! :) :) I will be working for ten weeks this summer as an intern for the NC Museum of History in their archives cataloging artifacts!!!! As megan said, that's like your heaven!! :) I am VERY EXCITEDDD! Its pretty much my dream job and will make my summer pretty much awesome. All you other losers can go abroad, I'm spending my summer in the basement of a museum!!!!!! *yayyyy* haha.
I also finished setting up my internship here at school for credit next semester. I'll be interning at Jackson Library *the one on campus* in their Special Collections Department. I'm not sure exactly what I'll be doing, but I was given various possible projects and they all sound awesome. so yay for life and my very cool career choice!
*yays again!*
now school just needs to end....
27? more days I think! yay! And my birthday is in 8 days!!! yay again!
ok no more yaying, I have to write a paper...