Dec 28, 2008 11:26
OH GREAT OOGLY 懐かしいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいい
So my grandmother got me a Best Buy gift card and me, not knowing what the hell I want from Best Buy (as they did not have Avatar box sets that I could see which made me "wtf") browsed the anime section for no good reason.
OH MY GOD, BEST BOX SET EVER. Man, I haven't seen this show in years. LET'S COSPLAY IT, LOL. I wanna be, fuck, what was her name? The princess lady, you know, with the wavy blond hair. She's on the cover which made me think of it. (Or maybe I should be kid-whose-name-I-could-never-spell because he is totally my favorite character, especially when you find out he is a girl :3)
Anyway, yes. I haven't started watching it yet because I sort of have to pack up my room to get ready to sell the house, but it is sitting right in front of me making me happy all by itself.
Oh, and then I bought the book Rebecca. It's really already quite amazing. (I'm maxing on my breaks because I'm reading it at work, urrrrg. >___>)
So, I know all your passes are blocked (mine is too, sorry) but I was thinking of heading to Disneyland as a guest either Monday or Tuesday. I wanna watch the fireworks from the front of the castle (and Fantasmic, obviously) Assuming, of course, that they go off at all XD The wind has not been kind to us as of late. (it takes longer to unload the castle fireworks than it does to just do the show, which pisses me off so much because we have to sit there and tell everyone "hopefully 10 to 15 minutes and then we'll open" and 20 minutes later we still haven't started powering up.) If anyone would like to come, you're more than welcome, I was going to find a seat super early and read, but I could be persuaded to actually converse with someone also. :3