437: On Code Geass 18:

Aug 13, 2008 00:27



Quit killing the people I like, you ass!

Though, thank you very much for so much Kallen-being-badass.

Okay, enough Code Geass. Next spaz topic:

OMG TOKIKAKE MANGAAAAAAAAA~!! It's totally just the movie in manga form, but I love the movie, so I bought the manga. Though there's also another Tokikake manga out? I don't know, there's just an add for it at the back.

Haha, thank god I was looking at Evangelion manga, or I never would have found this ♥

So I went to the kinokunia to pick up the usual suspects. Tsubasa 24, Bokura ga Ita 8, Gakkou no Ojikan 8 and Hoshi wa Utau 2. (FMA 20 comes out this month too, but it wasn't there yet) Also picked up two new things: Evangelion Gakuen Datenroku and Pheromomania Syndrome. Pheramomania looks kind of lame XD But I bought it anyway because I thought it was a boy-love story (turns out it's not. And the one that looks more like a boy is the GIRL, which just pisses me off) Eva, however, looks promising.

Other than spazing.... I have been working. And talking to Roxas. Oh, and I joined a new RP. thedollsyhouse, it seems like it will be pretty interesting so far. Though it is full of people I don't know. Roxas and I are thinking of picking up second characters. Currently we're debating Authur and Jay from Exquisite Corpse just because we're super cool (and want to eat people.) But we have also considered Axel and Roxas, and she is considering Muraki (Yami no Matsue) All of our second character options are only because we want to mess with people XD Our current characters are pretty honest house mates.

Went and saw The Dark Knight with Laura last night. LOL Such good times. I don't think I've ever laughed so much in a movie before XD Seriously, it was delicious.

Sea World it totally cool~ ♥ Next time I go, I need to remember to see all of the shows.

code geass, life, manga, rp

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