I'm sure I'll have more thinky thoughts in the morning, but for now
1. It's official, Aidan and Josh = love at first fight. Josh's FACE through the whole first part of the episode completely pwned me.
2. Aidan and Bishop = most epic break-up ever. I mean, tearing up anyone who gets in the way of their breakup sort of codependence. Not gonna lie, I'm going to miss their dynamic.
3. I'm also kinda gonna miss Bishop's air-kisses. :*
Okay, to get it out of the way, there were a few small disappointments. I understand I'm being a bit of an irrational fan because a) some were inevitable given the divergence between this and the UK series and b) the rest are just plain old paranoid because I love what this series has become (which is NOT the UK one).
First, nothing will top the sacrifice George made in the equivalent episode. I know it wouldn't have worked here, especially as Josh has already been de-flowered so to speak. After all, he did offer himself on Aidan's behalf (and would've totally kicked ass in the epic battle of the current- and ex- boyfriends). I still felt betrayed when Sally slammed the door, though.
Second, I worry that they've set up the same two plot lines (Mitchell takes over the city vamps and George accidentally turns Nora) that (IMHO) made season two of BHUK such fail. I should trust Carver, though. And in the reports that this series is dramatically different here on out.
And back to the love:
4. Celine. So much love. She's strong to the last drop. And she gave Aidan what he needed to win the fight he was bound and determined to fight.
5.Sally can TOUCH things!! This opens up so many doors and so much potential for awkward and awesome scenes. I really REALLY wanted Josh to run up and hug her when he found out. *sigh*
6. I REALLY want to know who "she" is that Hegeman was referring to. Personally, all I can think of right now is the vampire queen of Louisiana (Man, I am so crossing my vampire mythologies).
7. Oasis. Man, that takes me back (and more than just one year). I want to watch a reel of just the Aidan and Josh flashbacks from this ep. ♥
Damn, we have to wait a whole year-ish now? Bring on the fanfics!