Mar 02, 2005 09:22
Is it weird that I've dreaded today, March 2rd, for a whole month? Maybe even more then that. The stupid mammology lab practical is gonna be so hard it makes me want to throw up, and then my zoo and aquarium sci class was supposed to be easy...multiple choice would have been so nice...but no, fill in the blank. You know, I think that short answer would have been easier that fill in the blank. Cause you can bull-shit your way through those, and I'm good at that. But fill in the blank? You either know the word or you don't know the word. And I know he's gonna make it hard. Ugh. Then I have a dress rehearsal for campus band at 5:30 and a concert at 7:30...did I mention I was drinking tonight? Well, maybe only a beer cause I might fall asleep. Ugh. I can't say that enough. Well, I better go cram some more skull info in my head before I gotta leave. Everyone have a safe spring break!! And have fun! And don't do anything I wouldn't do!! :) Peace out!