Contimplating Jazz..

Nov 10, 2004 17:14

FIlm would be fun, I like movie a lot, but learning the in's and out's of every technical aspect as well as having to be incredibly cut throat, just isn't my gig. It was a nice thought.
I am going to take up photography as a hobby though. I have ben researcher video camers for months, and along with it SLR cameras for fun. Very interesting stuff.

SO here is the big plan:

Going to go the Community college in Philly for next semester, AS WELL as do my modeling gigs and get a second job (here's hoping)
By the way I got THE MOST amazing apartment and I am moving in on the 23rd- I am so excited!!!!

Anyway, Temple has a 5 year program in which you have a cencentration (English) and then during your Junior you start very intensive Education classes, and come out with a masters in secondary ed.! I am definatly going to look into it further, but It sounds great, because with a masters I could teach at a HS and a college. It is probably hard to get into, but my GPA last semester was a 3.5, and I had soem tough courses. Bzz.
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