Status & To-Dos, 6/15

Jun 15, 2009 18:33

I figure if I abuse you with to-do lists I might as well let you know how I am doing too.

Life has been incredibly busy since the music festival. The past two weekends Elise and I have been at the Tin Angel to see our two freelance clients play, and now they're both playing at MusikFest. That is pretty freaking exciting.

In the meantime, AC has been getting back into the rehearsal swing. We played a fun featured spot at Studio Luloo in NJ. On Saturday we had an epic drumming rehearsal with Chas. Epic and one of my favorite days of hard work, ever. I really enjoy playing music with Chas. I hope we get to do a lot more of it this year.

I was so beat on Sunday. I was having trouble climbing stairs. Not sure if this can solely be pinned on the epic drumming or potentially partially on helping Ross&Laura move into their house on Friday, but I was completely listless. Elise and I camped out in the living room the entire day.

Otherwise, work has been crazy-challenging - a daily no-lunch-break dash to keep things running at Peter quality. And, if you missed it on CK, I posted 14 new demos in 7 days from 6/1 - 6/7. I was ecstatically happy every day. I'm taking some time to rehearse the next 14 a bit, but they're coming sooner than later.


Tonight, roughly in order of priority (good lord, there's a lot):
  • Complete top-secret mixing project; send off for approval Took about 3hrs, on top of a prior 1hr of file cleanup and a 3hr recording session. And, all of this just for vocals!
  • Upload/Burn the video of CK for the NBC10 contest. Uploaded to YouTube for our impending fan run-off vote.
  • Check NBC10 contest dates against Gina's vacation Email sent!
  • Get the rest of the drumming stuff out of the living room
  • A load of laundry, perhaps? TWO!
  • Arrange Albert Hash vocals A mere 40 minutes, plus another 20 of format fussing.
  • Exercise before bed
  • Send out AC song poll
  • Remaster demos from 6/7 (too quiet
  • Post on CK

    (tasks evacuated from tonight, because days aren't 28hrs long like my body thinks they are)
  • Practice songs for impending demos
  • Practice "Art Teacher" on piano
  • Open the new computer (!!!) and verify the sort of monitor input it has.
  • Do brief writing for Dante
  • Set up a draft of writing for Josh; maybe even the
  • colleges spreadsheet?

  • Brief Gina rehearsal
  • Stop by Coquette or Time open mic?
  • Order monitor adapter, if necessary, and USB wireless (or find local?)
  • Summarize Making Music Work column stuff for CK
  • Post on CK
  • Practice songs for impending demos
  • Practice "Art Teacher" on piano
  • Exercise before bed
  • Tally AC votes and burn DVD
  • Add SN buttons to ck

    Wednesday and beyond:
  • Mail AC videos?
  • Keep reviewing Learner's Permit manual (perhaps print it?)
  • Send in wireless broadband rebate
  • Keep working on db to get it ready for Josh
  • Order strings and whatnot from Musician's Friend
  • Figure out 4th of July plan
  • Send in Wired and Dermatologist checks
  • Call dentist
  • Shop for mobile rackmounts; talk to Mark about it
  • Frigging clean the hell out of (eliminate?) the hallway table
  • Reorg shelves above computer
  • Philly local mix CD for work
  • Do ANYTHING to fix, sweet lord.

    Probably some other stuff too. Here, have an Arcati Crisis video!

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