my days at the US Open

Sep 02, 2012 13:07

I was going to write up about my two days at the US Open but the few pics that came out decently told a fun little picspam so I'm going there instead. These are all my lousy photography skillz so please credit if you're going to use them.

That is Troicki's racquet after losing to Stebe.

Cedric is a cutie, by the way.

But not the cutest.

(Then again, thought that back when Freddie was playing Hopman Cup so really happy he's now a legend.)

Now some assume that the cuteness battle was locked up years ago and just are coasting now. (Still annoyed that the Williams sisters line kept me from seeing you play more than two minutes)

Others try to get votes from their friends (will miss u, Andy!)

Nice poses can help your cause.

... but it's tough when Paes/Stepanek are on the other side of the net. Nobody likes Leander while Radek is known for destroying cuteness. (Srsly, Leander? Cut yer hair.)

Some get into a funk and have just given up. (I really hate this pic but the Hasi pic from this match came out even worse.)

Then you have those who will do anything for attention.

It's tough to say goodbye.

Or hello.

So just go about your regular business, as if you're not boss just by doing the job.

..incidentally, I saw the articles about him the day after taking the pic so rather fascinating to put a name (Ryan McIntosh) to the guy.

picspam, reallife_yay

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