Sign ups have closed!
However if you couldn't make the deadline for whatever reason and desperately want to join please send us an email!
Six months have passed in the blink of an eye, and the mods at
krishanthemums are glad to finally welcome our favorite month: September! Starting from now, the Kris/Lu Han fic exchange will carry on for another 6 months until February 2015, when postings will begin on Valentine's and aim to wrap up by the end of February.
Please read through the entirety of this post! It might answer some questions (or test your patience. Sorry!!)
For much more detailed rules, please refer to
this post.
1. Kris/Lu Han must be the focus of your story.
2. OT3s are not allowed!
3. Any form of the relationship is okay. (Friendship, relationship, rivalry, etc.)
4. You have 3 months to write a minimum of 2014 words.
5. Do not reveal your assignment/work to anyone! (Except maybe that one completely trustworthy best friend if you’re really excited…)
Sep. 13, 2014 - Sign-ups Open
Oct. 10, 2014 - Sign-ups Closed
Oct. 17, 2014 - Prompts Sent
Nov. 28, 2014 - 1st Check-in (Last drop-out date)
Jan. 10, 2015 - 2nd Check-in
Feb. 04, 2015 - Due Date
Feb. 14, 2015 - Posting Begins
Feb. 22, 2015 - Reveals
Q: But Kris left the group!
A: Yes…?
Q: What makes a good prompt?
A: We're not certain either. Some people may thrive off detail, and some may thrive off a single-worded ping to spark their imagination. Remember that as much as you want to convey what you'd like to see in your prompt, it's important to give the writer freedom to interpret and create from their own projections. (We do have some examples, good or bad, below. Please give at least 2-3 prompts.)
Note: AU prompts based off of existing fictional work (anime/tv/book/etc) is allowed, but make sure you have at least ONE OTHER independent prompt for your writer.
Q: I do not wish to write or receive fics centered around Kris' departure.
A: Totally understandable. You will see right below that within the sign up form you can specify whether or not you want to see and write content regarding this matter. (That said, as this may be a sensitive issue to some, please do not include the incident if your reader doesn't want to see it.)
Please copy and fill this form (if you're new, type your answers after the ">" bracket) and leave a comment at the bottom of the entry! All comments are screened, so no one will see them but us.
GeneralLJ Username:E-mail address:Another way to contact you (ie. Twitter, Tumblr, another person): Writer PreferencesHighest rating you will write (PG~NC17):Your specialties:What you don’t want to/will not write:I am ok writing about Kris leaving: YES/NO/OTHER
Reader PreferencesPrompts: Ratings you want to see:What you don’t want to see:I am ok with reading about Kris leaving: YES/NO/OTHER
Would you be willing to pinch hit? *: *Pinch hitting means taking over the assignment of one writer if they drop out/cannot continue to be in the exchange. You do not need to continue where they left off (but you can if you wish to) and can write the prompt to your own interpretations. An extension is given to pinch hitters.
LJ Username: krishanthemods
E-mail address:
Another way to contact you (ie. Twitter, Tumblr, another person): krishanthemums @ twitter, krishanthemums @ tumblr
Writer Preferences
Ratings you can write (PG~NC17): PG to R
Your specialties: I’m good at plot-filled stories (action, drama, thriller) and not so good at character studies
What you don’t want to/will not write: Non-con, abuse, horror, gender issues, vampires and werewolves (Being detailed in this section is ok!)
I am ok writing about Kris leaving: No
Reader Preferences
1. Canon: Yifan didn’t really follow Lu Han to Korea out of skepticism: he did it out of fear, but Lu Han’s still determined to show him that being an idol is a dream he will fight for.
2. AU: Lu Han believes some things are meant to be when a friend gifts him the newest work of a rising author named “Kris”, and it reads exactly like his memories of that high school year with a boy from the class across the hall.
3. The Butterfly Effect AU: Lu Han goes back in time again and again to try to save Yifan from making decisions which will wreck the future he watched him grow up with.
Ratings you want to see: PG to R
What you don’t want to see: Non-con, abuse, infidelity, homophobia, character death (Being detailed in this section is ok!)
I am ok with reading about Kris leaving: OTHER--I can read about his pre- and post- leaving activities, but not the incident itself.
Would you be willing to pinch hit?: yes
That’s all!
That's all! Feel free to leave any questions below, or shoot us an email at, tweet us at
@krishanthemums, or send an ask to
krishanthemums on tumblr.
Otherwise: have fun, go nuts, spill your heart. This is it. ♡