Torn and Rundown

Dec 23, 2009 13:50

Here are some photos taken from my recent urban exploration trip. Used HDR treatment and further post processing at Photoshop.

Further in researching about this place, I believed this used to be Sungei Buloh airfield built and used by the British and Commonwealth forces during World War 2. Most of the photos captured shown here were actually British military airfield buildings.

The below photo titled " Rotten to the core " was called Nissen hut. a prefabricated steel structure made from a half-cylindrical skin of corrugated steel. The Nissen hut was used for a wide range of functions; apart from accommodation, they were used as churches and bomb stores.

Rotten to the core

The below photo titled " Hanger of doom " was Bellman Hangar. The Bellman hangar was constructed on a unit system of rolled steel sections, both walls and roof using the same standard units joined at the junction of wall and roof by a standard corner unit.

Hanger of doom

This is how a complete and actual Nissen hut looks like.



Bricks house



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