Title: A Downwards Spiral ~Part 1 of the 'Jealousy' series
saar_fantasyPairings Along The Way: Kris/Katy, Adam/Sauli, Kris/Tommy, Adam/Brad, Kris/Brad, Adam/Cassidy, Adam/Tommy/Kris, Adam/Brad/Kris
End Pairings: Kris/Adam, Tommy/Isaac, Sauli/OC, Katy/OC, Brad/Cassidy (those are the important ones, I guess)
Rating: NC-17/R
Warnings: infidelity, threesomes, drug use, abuse of alcohol, suicide attempt (more than one probably)
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters used in this fic. The words and plot of the story are mine. Completely fabricated for fun.
Summary: Not only curiosity, but also jealousy could kill the cat...or; how one bad moment in your life could lead to things so much worse. You can only hope for a happy end...
A/N: Ok, so I started this waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when I was freaking depressed and when I'm depressed, or sick like now, I write weird, angsty/dark stuff. Don't know when the next part will be up...I've written half of it already, but I'm not completely happy with it, so I might end up changing it again. Have patience with me...lol. I might have to warn you that I've only written a threesome once, in the Glee fandom, but I got some fairly good comments on it and I'm a sucker for these two threesomes, so...why not give it a go? I thought. Don't even know how explicit the sex scenes will be...There will be no M/F sex scenes, though. At least not on page. Ok, long A/N is LONG :p LOL. Better stop now, because I probably bored you all to death by now. Try and enjoy the fic! :)
P.S. I went to Friends Only, so if you want to read this just leave me a message. Or add me, then I'll add you back
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