Today in "Krissie Approves"

Apr 03, 2008 10:08

So today I'll tell you a story about two stories. It's that notorious concept of sequels that we have here. But not the "Matrix" kind where things only get worse after the first part but more like the "Terminator" cuz WOAH!, part 2 was so much better than part 1. I'd totally compare them to "Godfather" but since I haven't actually seen any of those... But that's beside the point.

Author's summary 1: Sam only wants to eat green things, and Dean wants to eat cake. There's a curse, and letters are written but never sent.

Sam not only wants to eat green things. He turns green after he cuts himself on a rose's thorn. As in, his skin becomes green. And Dean is worried because "Cuts like that shouldn't be green, Sammy." Sam doesn't have a problem with it: "I like green things." Um, uwkey.
And Dean... Dean writes letters to people that annoy him. Annoy or... Well, you'll see. And it's worth reading this just for those letters cuz they are hee-la-ree-yus.
And there's Wincest so...

Then there's part two.

Author's summary 2: Dean's going through a rough patch. Sam still has issues with green things. There's a few more letters, and a lot more sex.

Now, I gotta say I haven't actually read this one. I listened to it. And I cannot claim that part of its appeal doesn't lie in the way it's been read. There's something charming in listening to your porn being read by someone who's clearly on something. Whether it's crack, speed or merely joie de vivre I do not know but I do know I loved it! True, it won't turn you on but it'll make you laugh and that's gotta count for something, right?
Dean writes letters again, only this time he's trying to dictate them to Sam. Ha! Instead, Sam composes a letter of his own. To whom/what - go see for yourself.
And of course, there's Wincest (this time with chocolate cake smeared over Sam's body) so...

A Rose (In Another Man's Garden)
The Edible Man

And to listen to the funniest audio I've ever so far heard, go HERE for m4b, and mp3's are HERE and HERE.

krissie approves, fanfic

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