Random Update Times

Apr 28, 2012 03:49

About a month ago I switched anti-depressants after the Celexa made me worse. I'm on Wellbutrin now and I think it's starting to work. I've been in a better mood, enough so that my parents have noticed, and I've been steadily working on a new Zelda piece for A-kon that's a monster. It has eleven fully detailed characters in it which is more than I've ever done in a single piece. It's taken me about a week to ink it all and I should finish that part of it tomorrow.

Also on the work front, one of my old college roommates, Rachel, contacted me a few weeks ago with some new work for me as well. She's the one who owns ARC Interactive, the company that produced the educational PC game I did all the artwork for. Did I ever post the artwork from that here? If I did, I don't remember. Anyway, she's been working on her own really detailed RPG and is starting up a Kickstarter page for the project. She wants me to do some artwork for the Kickstarter proposal page and from her descriptions it ought to be pretty fun and a step outside of my comfort zone, which is good. I'll let everybody know when the page is up and running so y'all can go take a look at what I've done for it and toss in a few bucks if you feel inclined to. Rachel has been super passionate about video games, particularly RPGs (she could sit and play FFX-2 for 8 hours straight on weekends without moving), for as long as I've known her so this is really important to her.

I also got some new glasses. My eyes were starting to hurt again and putting on my glasses made my head split so I knew it was time to see the optometrist again. After my exam I found out that I'm actually back to the point of having NO Rx at all, just like when I was in college. My eyes keep bouncing back and forth but she assured me that for as weak of a Rx as I had, fluctuations like that are normal. So now I'm back to regular old computer lenses that are anti-glare and make my eyes relax while I'm working.

I was actually able to get new frames this time as well which made me super happy. The old blue ones I had were nice, but I never had wanted full frames in the first place. I had always wanted rimless but at the time that I originally got them done was over a school break and all rimless lenses had to be special ordered and I didn't have the time to wait for that. Because of that I had to settle on the blue frames that were heavy after a few hours of wearing them and I always had the rims in my peripheral vision and it bugged me when I'd work. Because of the cost of frames I kept those glasses for a good six years, only switching out the lenses as needed.

This time I was finally able to get new frames as well thanks to my parents, particularly since my old frames would hurt my ears after a while and they knew I kind of needed lighter glasses. These are what I got:

They're SUPER light and made from titanium so they're durable. I had to wait two and a half weeks for the frames to come in, but it was worth it. I went to pick them up today and I LOVE them. I can barely feel them when I have them on. They fitted them for me but I think I need to go back in and have them adjust the stems to keep them higher on my nose. Other than that, though, they're perfect.

I got more good news today, too. Last month I enrolled in that Snapshot program Progressive has where you click the little thing into your car and it tracks your driving habits to reward safe driving, and I got my results today. I got the highest discount possible, which is 30%. That's a chuck of change, too, that adds up to $330 for a year! I'll be getting a refund shortly since I pay my policy in full every six months. I'm hoping they'll just keep it and credit it to my account for when my policy renews in September. It's money that I've already paid out, so I'd rather just pay it forward instead of getting it back. Same thing, more convenience for me later on.

If anybody is looking for car insurance you should definitely check out Progressive. I was with Geico before but left them after six months because they upped my premium over $90 for absolutely no reason -- I hadn't made any claims or had any tickets or accidents. When I called to ask why, they said it was because they had had a lot of claims in Texas during that six months so they were raising everyone's rates. I succinctly told them that was a load of bullshit and to cancel my policy immediately because I wasn't going to put up with that. I don't care what other people did with their policies, it shouldn't affect mine and certainly not by THAT much.

I switched to Progressive after that and have been really pleased with them since. Every time severe weather comes through I have an e-mail in my inbox the next morning giving information of how to make a claim if my car was damaged, they hope I was okay, etc. I like that they pay that much attention to what's going on. They also automatically cover my dog for $1000 if she's in the car and gets hurt in an accident at no additional cost, so that's another plus. Then when I renewed my policy last month my premium actually went DOWN. Combine all of that with the Snapshot discount they just gave me and I'm an extremely happy camper.

They support Obama and MoveOn.org, too, so that makes me like them even more. lol

random, zelda, artwork, personal, medical, career

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