Jan 01, 2012 22:59
Yes, I know I haven't posted here in three months. I disappeared from twitter until a week ago, and I'm still MIA from tumblr. The only place I've been regularly visiting is deviantART and reading my friends page here on LJ.
I'm still alive. I've had a few messages from you lovely peoples showing concern, and I appreciate that. It makes me feel loved. ♥
What happened is right after my birthday I fell into a hole with my depression that really took a toll on me and reduced me to a hermit, pretty much living in my bedroom except when absolutely necessary, including to work on professional things. I think my anti-depressants turned on me and started making me feel WORSE, so I stopped taking them. I've been doing a bit better since then. I plan on going to the doctor after we get back from our WDW trip to try a different med because Celexa most definitely does NOT work for me.
Professionally things have been going quite well. I was busy for the entire fourth quarter with individual jobs as well as working on Wasted America (the political internet cartoon I've mentioned here previously). It turned out pretty cool and is apparently doing quite well because Mike tells me that project is going to be around for a very long time. Seeing as how it's paying me a couple hundred bucks for every couple of episodes, I am not upset by this news.
And... since I started writing this entry a few days ago I've had to go back on the Celexa in a small dose until I can get switched to something else. Going off of these things causes some freak-ass side effects like hearing a swishing sound in your head if you move your eyes too fast. With a slight accompanying head rush. :|
So... yeah. New year, still not in much of a different place mentally and emotionally, but I'm still working on that. Ah well. I also put three hours into Skyward Sword tonight since I JUST NOW got enough time to sit down and start the damn thing! Nintendo hates me... I always take that stupid rubber sleeve off the Wii remote and never use the wrist strap. Don't worry, guys, I'm not going to fling the remote into the TV.
It's up too high.