I think I'm going to start re-posting the macros I have comments about from
Fuck Yeah Art Student Owl here on LJ, just under a cut if there's more than one out of courtesy for my friends' friends pages. That's the number one reason I freaking hate tumblr: commenting, what the hell is that? We don't need no stinking commenting, we'll just re-blog the image in order to comment even though it's within the exact same website/social media format. There's absolutely nothing redundant about that. That would be like me copying and pasting someone's entire LJ entry on my own journal in order to leave my own comment at the end of it. Seriously? Who thought up tumblr?
Call me crazy but I thought that's what tables and messenger bags/backpacks were for. That's kind of dumb.
And then immediately think "I'm struggling to get into the industry and yet THAT putz got work?"
Pretty much, yes. 4.0+ GPA and an 1120 SAT to draw and paint for four years. And people wondered why I declined taking AP English, science, and history classes in high school.
I hate it when people have that mentality toward art school. Ringling is where my work started to live.
WTF were you doing making a book (and presumably handling text) in Photoshop, anyway? And why didn't you check with the print shop to find out what file requirements they had before you even started on the book in the first place?
I would have killed to draw some skinny chicks or well-toned guys. 90% of what I got were overweight wrinkly old men (I have images burned into my retinas that will be there until the day I die). If it was a middle-aged guy with a paunch, it was a treat.
During my junior year I got a respiratory infection or SOMETHING that was so bad I could hardly breathe. The doctor told me to stay in my apartment until a specific date to prevent it from turning into pneumonia, and he gave me a note saying as such. My batshit prof for the anthropology class I was required to take refused to excuse the absence, saying "that's what your one allotted absence is for." If you missed more than ONE DAY in that class your grade was automatically docked to a freaking D and the work load was ridiculous for it being one of the non-art classes. I still don't like her. At least I had
mahrkale there to suffer right along with me for that class. Bleh.
That class was also the origin of
The Female Circumcision Moment. Memories.
I love you, LJ, I will never leave you. My permanent account reinforces that fact. No really, I still love everything about LJ.
Everything is still right on track for A-kon. Everything is finished production-wise. All of my stock is stacked on the dining room table ready to be packed into the rolling carts tomorrow, then I just have to pack my personal suitcase and food and I'm done. The last two years I think I was up until after five thirty trying to get it all done rather than goofing off on the net.
I'm a little conflicted right now emotionally because while I'm super-jazzed about A-kon this weekend, I got some news today from a friend along with a possibility attached to that news that both honors me tremendously beyond words and makes me incredibly sad at the same time. I won't go into specifics out of respect for her privacy right now, but I'm just torn in two directions by being happy, flattered/honored, and sad at the same time. I wish her only the best. ♥
As another note for A-kon, the table maps went up a couple days ago and I got some primo realestate thanks to the AA staff! For anyone who will be attending, I'll be on the first row of tables that faces the front doors, right in front of the pre-reg tables. :)