Angeline was taken back to the hospital today and now she's here at the house with us in the guest room. She's making absolutely no sense whatsoever and earlier today she was ranting and raving like she was completely out of her mind. While getting her settled in she was talking about noodle people and asking where my dad went in her dream
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I know you're trying to do good and I've been a Christian since I was 8 years old, but it always rubs me wrong when other Christians basically tell people with dying family members "unless you believe in Jesus you're never going to see him/her again". The pastor did that at my grandmother's funeral and we all found it appalling. It's not comforting when people are grieving, it's just agitating and if the person isn't saved, that's the last thing they're going to want to hear in the middle of their grief. For the unsaved family members that doesn't comfort, it only compounds pain and alienates them. She's been a Christian for a very long time. All of us have. My uncle is making doubly sure for her but it's impossible because she's not lucid enough to have a coherent conversation. Even if she wasn't saved she's certainly not capable of choosing now.
I'm sorry if that sounded snippy... I was already exhausted and my dad needlessly woke me up hours early today, and the whole "you have to believe in Jesus if you ever want to see her again" is a very sore subject for all of us because of my grandmother's funeral that the pastor turned into a hellfire and brimstone sermon instead of a celebration of her life.
Contrite hugs.
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