I haven't written a con report because right after I got back a cold front decided to come through that sent my sinuses for one of their semi-annual spins. Good news is it's going about 3x faster than it normally does, so I'll be back to normal in a couple days. At least I know how best to deal with this when it happens. Tons of fluids and lots of Nyquil-aided sleep.
As for the con, it was fantastic save for one huge speed bump on Saturday when the con suddenly freaked out about us selling Studio Ghibli stuff. Disney owns the US distribution rights for Studio Ghibli films, so the con directors were freaking out about Disney coming down on their heads. After 8 hours of not being allowed to sell said items, the con came back and said research had shown them that distribution rights only meant the audio and video of the movies, not the characters themselves i.e. we were okay. Really wish the research would have been done before the pulling-of-sell-able-things, but what can you do. I was stupid and didn't have
emsscraps's phone number on me, so I couldn't get an official word for the con directors. I will not go to another con without it, that's for sure.
OTHER THAN THAT, the con was fantastic, as I already said. This was the AA head's first year running it, and she did a fabulous job, particularly handling the whole Saturday mess. I got a great spot (the same exact spot as last year, actually), the lighting was improved, and wallets were open. I shattered last year's till total and almost matched last year's A-kon total. With 1/3 of the people. *happyface*
I got to see some of my regular customers, got to see
haro (finally),
neko_sama3 and her daughter, as well as a few LJ peoples. I had nice neighbors. One of them had an adorable little 4 month old baby girl who was an angel for being stuck in an Artist Alley all day.
I know I had more to say but I can't remember now. Hmm.
Oh yeah, I was very disappointed with Ponyo.
The end.