May 02, 2006 21:30
Today...Well this morning I woke up to find that later I needed to burry my mouse Bailey. T_____T I knew she was going to die last night..But it doesn't really hit you until they actully do..And then later I relized one of my kittens was going to die...And he did. He was really weak and skinny I tried feeding him formula and stimulating him but he wouldn't even take that. He had a hard time breathing and stuff =( So..two deaths in one day. My friends ignoring me and being complete assholes ....Not being able to talk to my best friend..Because Neo hasn't come on yet *crys* Sparta is out being more social..I don't know why but when I took her out to get her a carrot she tried to bite me again! Fucker! I think she wants in her ball but I don't feel like touching her right now >.< Ickkky Oh NOW she eats the carrot -__- Ungrateful animal! *hiss* Bear is being ANNOOOOOOYING! Stupid fat cat. Escawpay is being the sweetie she always is...Greeting me at her door and going back in her house when I leave. I love her! ^___^ Anyways I am going to spam Neo with offline messages! Mwhahaha