it was a snazzy jazzy day!

Dec 14, 2005 15:47

so today...heh was most amusing if i do say so myself...well in drama naze was standing at his desk dancing to stupidsongs from pirates of pinzaz or somethig like was quite second period we switched ECR's from TKAM well kristen didnt read the end of the book to find out that tom was kinda like dead and all well in my ecr i wrote the continuing story...well i wrote that there was another trial conducted, tom was innocent, and then toms fam went over to the finches house for dinner...zach had my paper and was like kristen..toms dead...ahahahahaha it was hysterical! and so lauren was like so whats this with you inviting dead people over to dinner...ahh good times cant be in third period we were going over this practice test thing and mr.cronk said we could use pie or 3.14 do answer the problems ... so i decided that on the test on friday that im going to do everyother problem pie ,3.14, pie, then i asked him if he would get mad at me if i did and he said that it wouldnt make him mad b/c he doesnt get mad...but it would greatly frustrate him...lmao it was hillarious... hmmm fourth period..hmmm i dont recall anything amusing nothing that couldnt be forgotten i dont think...we had an in depth discussion about the christmas tree and how stupid people wanna call it the "holiday tree" and then this kid pat said that the tree on top of the cabinet was offending him ... b/c of no reason... but thats how the discussion got started and a about 15 min later it ened but thats it i think...on the way out to my bus i saw katie and was talking to her for like 5 min in th middle of the screw the caroling lets go eat....lmao...but the thing that made the day the most eventful was what happened on my way home which scared me so bad i almost peed my was not cool... later

goodtimes cant be forgotten

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