We've Got All Night

Jan 07, 2016 10:55

pairing: baekhyun/sehun
rating: R
word count: 2k
warnings: none
summary: Baekhyun wishes he wasn't attracted to Sehun. Oh, who is he trying to kid?
author's note: I'm happy I got the chance to write a Sebaek fic.
Originally posted at sncj_santa.

“Excuse me.”

“Excuse me.”


Baekhyun finds it nearly impossible to weave through the hordes of people in his home. Half of them are busy trying to get laid while the other half dances sloppily to the sweet sounds of Lady Gaga and The Wiggles. This is what Baekhyun gets for allowing a drunken Chanyeol to play DJ for the night.

He eventually reaches his destination, the kitchen. He grabs a handful of chips and a bottle of water, nearly chugging the entire thing in one go. Trying to keep a party alive is hard work, after all. More people showed up than expected, but Baekhyun couldn’t care less at the moment. He’s having a good time watching his friends make complete fool of themselves and pretending that tomorrow won’t be a full day of lectures. Everyone else is probably on the same boat. For most of them, this will be their final year of university too. Why not start the beginning of the end with a bang?

Once Baekhyun has had his fill of Doritos and water, he makes his way over to the heart of the party, also known as the living room. He sits down next to his best friend and housemate, Joonmyun.

“H-have you seen… Jogging?” the older male asks, slumping against the armrest of the couch.

“You mean Jongin,” Baekhyun corrects him and snickers. Joonmyun can’t handle alcohol very well, but he vehemently insists another drink won’t hurt him every time they go out. “I think I saw him by the bathroom.”

Joonmyun makes a move to get up and ultimately falls back down. His legs are like jelly. Baekhyun would love to help him out, but he isn’t ready to listen to Jongin’s moans. Even with the deafening jams playing over the speakers, nothing is louder than Jongin in the middle of getting fucked. There is no need to scar the party guests any further. They have already witnessed someone puke into their red solo cup and proceed to drink their tainted beverage as if it were nectar from the gods.

“Let me get you some water, Joonie,” Baekhyun says and pats Joonmyun’s thigh. The older male pouts, but doesn’t protest.

Another trip to the kitchen means another fight against everyone. Baekhyun shouts “excuse me” at the top of his lungs the entire way, and the crowd barely parts for him. A few folks even try to cop a feel this time around, but Baekhyun is too quick against their lazy movements. As much as he enjoys a drink or two himself, someone has to keep order within the chaos. Staying sober in a sea of drunkards isn’t fun, but at least Baekhyun will be able to hold onto certain memories others will surely forget by the time they wake up tomorrow. Though he might want to erase the part when Chanyeol flashed his pale ass.

To his surprise all the bottles of water are fresh out. Baekhyun could easily draw a glass from the tap, but now he has a reason to step away for a bit. Who would have ever thought there is such a thing as too much partying?

Baekhyun reluctantly recruits Jongin to be Joonmyun’s guardian while he’s gone. Hopefully the fact that Joonmyun is too drunk to get it up will deter the couple from having sex in the middle of the living room.

With one last glance over his shoulder, Baekhyun leaves the house and drives to a convenience store a few miles away near the university. If anyone asks why he didn’t go to the one down the block, he will tell them the slushie machine was broken. One in the morning is always a good time for an overly sweet frozen beverage, right?

There are only a handful of people, some vaguely familiar faces, lingering around the store when Baekhyun walks in. A local news station plays over the radio, the fluorescent lights in the snack aisle flicker, and the cashier furiously swipes at his phone screen.

Baekhyun takes his time walking around aimlessly. He knows what he needs to purchase already, but he wants to waste as much time as possible among the awful treats and cheap cleaning supplies. His shoes squeak against the tiled floors as he peruses every aisle. He feigns interest in a display of cookies with a foreign celebrity’s face plastered all over the packaging. The gal smiles at him desperately as if imploring him to buy a pack or else she’ll die. Baekhyun thinks he’ll have to pass.

Eventually Baekhyun runs into the slushie machine in the back corner. He didn’t actually come here for a drink, but staring at the bright colors of each flavor changes his mind. He fills an extra large cup with neon lemon-lime, electric blue raspberry, and snow white pina colada. There is no way he will be finish it all in one sitting, so he has no choice but to hang out in the parking lot for a little longer than expected. Oh well.

Baekhyun drops a five dollar bill on the counter, telling the cashier to keep the change. The man doesn’t pay him any attention, nor does he make a grab for the money. He’s still swiping at his phone like his life depended on it. Baekhyun peeks over to find out the man is on a popular dating app. If the cashier thinks he can afford to be super picky about his matches, he has a huge surprise coming for him.

The parking lot is void of any cars except for Baekhyun’s beaten-up ride. Baekhyun sits on top of the hood and stretches his legs out a little. The night air is crisp. Every time he exhales his breaths come out as white puffs. He feels a sense of peace out of here, even though his fingers are stiff from holding onto his slushie. He stares off at nothing in particular and simply takes in the calm environment. It’s a stark contrast to where he was only half an hour ago.

“Would you like some company?” someone asks after several minutes of blissful silence.

Baekhyun’s first reaction is to tell the stranger to bug off. He may look like easy prey with his thin frame, but the hapkido lessons he took as a kid weren’t just for show. If the stranger dares to even put a finger on him, Baekhyun won’t be afraid to teach him a lesson.

“No, tha -” Baekhyun blinks once, twice, thrice. The poor lighting must be playing a trick on him. He rubs his eyes as he gets off his car and stands on the concrete.

Baekhyun stares at the young man before him with eyes wide open, mouth agape. It’s a face he hasn’t seen since high school, but Baekhyun notices subtle changes from over the years. The young man’s facial features have sharpened, his hair is straw yellow, and his figure towers over Baekhyun easily

“What the fuck?” Baekhyun squawks immediately upon realization who this kid is and promptly drops his slushie on the ground. What a shame. He only had a few sips of it.

“It’s nice to see you too, hyung,” Sehun replies, trying his best to suppress his laughter.

Baekhyun can’t believe what he’s seeing. In the span of only a few years, Sehun has managed to grow into a stud. Baekhyun still remembers a time when the taller male was shorter than him and sported a hideous bowl cut. A mix of emotions overwhelm him. On one hand he can’t get the image of an awkward Oh Sehun lugging around his rolling backpack around school out of his head. On the other hand he kind of wants to bang him. His dick isn’t sure what to do right now.

“So, um.. what brings you here?” Baekhyun asks to mask any awkwardness.

Sehun puffs out his cheeks and looks up at the night sky. “I got tired of studying and thought I’d take a walk, then I spotted a familiar face.”

“Oh, who was it?” Baekhyun is a little oblvious and dumb.

“You,” Sehun deadpans. “You haven’t changed much, though you do seem a little shorter.”

Baekhyun narrows his eyes at Sehun, ready to go off on him. He hates it whenever someone points out his height, especially nowadays. They aren’t in third grade anymore. If it wasn’t for the fact that Sehun is hot as hell, Baekhyun would have lost his temper already. He keeps his composure with the thought of Sehun in only his underpants. Okay, that might make him riled up more than anything else.

“Anyway, how are you enjoying college? Find anyone who suits your fancy?”

Sehun laughs dryly, shaking his head. “Nah. I thought I’d find lots of eye candy on campus, but all I see are duds.”

“You must be extremely picky then. There are some good-looking students lurking around,” Baekhyun states. He is secretly referring to himself.

Sehun pretends to scope out potential lovers in the dim parking lot for Baekhyun’s amusement. His face falls flat when he finds no one within the vicinity. “No one who is my type happens to be lurking in the shadows, hyung.” The boy sounds defeated, his shoulders slump a little.

Baekhyun scoffs under his breath and rolls his eyes. He is absolutely offended, but decides to play along to see where things go. “Hm. If you tell me what your type is, maybe I can give you a helping hand.” Literally. Baekhyun is more than ready to stick his hand down Sehun’s snug pants. It is the right thing to do. After all, he needs to treat his junior well and show him a good time.

“Short and talkative because I like to shut them up with my cock,” Sehun says. Is that a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips?

Baekhyun somehow has some sense in him left which is why he still stands on both feet instead of dropping to his knees. Though he can’t help but wonder how lovely the view would be from down there.

“There’s a party going on at my place. I’m sure you can find someone like that among the crowd,” Baekhyun suggests.

“I’m kind of shy around strangers. How about a party for just two?” Sehun cocks a brow and tilts his head to the side. Baekhyun would be an idiot to turn down the offer, but he does not want to come off as desperate. Oh, who is he trying to kid? He would be more than happy to suck Sehun off here in the parking lot if it wasn’t for the surveillance camera pointed their way.

Baekhyun answers Sehun by unlocking the passenger door for him and rounds the car to unlock the driver’s side. He slides into his seat, trying his best to not come off as impatient.

Sehun fastens his seatbelt in a leisurely manner and shifts around in his seat a little to get more comfortable. He even checks himself out in the vanity mirror, running his fingers through his hair and smiling smugly like the little brat he is. Some people really like to push others to their limit.

“Ready and secured?” Baekhyun asks as he starts the car because there’s only so much more time he is willing to waste.

“Why the rush, hyung? We have all night.” Sehun points to the car’s digital clock. It reads 2:17AM.

“Just tell me where you live, then shut the hell up,” Baekhyun barks. He hears the boy mutter “freshman dorms” and that’s it until they’re only a block away from the shop. He feels a hand on his upper thigh. At this rate he is knows they won’t make it out of the car with their clothes on. And quite frankly, he doesn’t mind that at all. Being a little reckless from time to time never killed anyone.

Baekhyun is tempted to make a snide remark about Sehun being in a rush now. And then he feels the taller male’s hand slide northward which makes him choke on his words.

Baekhyun is pretty sure this is not how reunions are supposed to work, but who said he enjoyed living by society’s standards? His phone goes off at some point during the ride, but both parties ignore the merry ringtone. They have other things on their minds at the moment.

rating:r, pairing:baekhyun/sehun, collegeau

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