Under the Same Skies 1/3

Aug 02, 2015 12:02

pairing: Chanyeol/Kai, side!Kai/Suho, platonic!Chanyeol/Sehun
rating: NC-17
word count: 23.5k
warnings: [click with caution]character death
summary: The more things change, the more they stay the same.
author's note: [lots of crying]This whole thing has been one hell of a roller coaster ride. I didn’t know if I had the strength in me to continue forward at times on this daunting journey, but managed to pull through with the help of two lovely angels - or devils, depending on whom you ask. Despite the difficulties I faced during the writing process, I truly enjoyed every moment of it. The blood, sweat, and tears poured into this fic will never be forgotten. As I mentioned before, there were two angels who held my hands as I trudged forth to the finish line. I would be nowhere without them by my side. Any words I can come up with cannot do my true feelings towards them any justice. Please accept these simple sentiments as I have nothing more to offer, unfortunately. I am truly grateful for everything you have done for me and want you guys to know you mean the whole world to me. I love you two so much. ♥ Originally posted at exoments.

Chanyeol stares out the window of his room where it faces towards the sea. A gust of wind blows his way, the taste of brine is left on his tongue. He likes days like this when the weather is agreeable, his tutors are away, and his father is burdened with petitions from the citizens. He is able to relax and enjoy the sun’s rays caressing his face.

For the most part, he adores his life as the Prince of the Kingdom of Fire. Living in its capital, Ignis, means he can have first dibs on the fresh seafood plucked from the ocean since the city is located right on the shores. The rest of the cities lie inland where the heat is sweltering, but the assortment of fruit is plenty.

As much as he loves home, the other three kingdoms have wonderful things to offer. Sometimes he wishes he lived high up on the mountains in the Kingdom of Air because it’s a neverending winter wonderland there. When his father brought him up there one year, he begged to live on the outskirts of the capital in his own little igloo. Then there’s the Kingdom of Water where the greenery thrives and the air smells so sweet. Everyone agrees it’s the most beautiful place on earth with its vast lakes and massive flower fields. The place is picturesque which might explain why the water king is always so relaxed. And finally there is the Kingdom of Earth, home to the world’s best healers and messengers. Their lands may not look like paradise, but they have plenty to offer when it comes to intellect. Scholars from the three other kingdoms flock to Terra, the capital, to learn as much as they can.

Being a prince isn’t so glamorous as most people would like to think. The duties the job entails makes the perks less desirable. Chanyeol always has to wake up early in the morning to get in some riding practice on his steed, right after which, he is rushed off to meet with several tutors. Once he thinks he’s free to go, his father reels him into his private chambers to learn the art of war. The four kingdoms across the lands have been under a peace treaty for decades now, yet his father says one never knows where trouble may brew.

“I can just burn everyone up with one fell swoop of my hand,” Chanyeol always says and prepares to show his father a demonstration.

“And what if you encounter a hydrokinetic or a chronokinetic? You will have your head off within seconds. You can’t always depend on your powers to save you,” his father will retort and bend Chanyeol’s arm behind his back.

Chanyeol has never met anyone who amazed him with their powers because he grew up watching performers from all over the lands show off their talents. No matter what powers they held, Chanyeol was bored by the end of the show. That is until he met Jongin.

They met when they were children. His father had invited the earth king and his son to their castle because Chanyeol’s pyrokinesis had finally kicked in and he was running amok. Jongin was supposed to be there to show Chanyeol that keeping one’s powers under control was possible since Chanyeol had ignored all the lessons from his teachers.

Chanyeol didn’t get along at all with Jongin at first because the boy was younger and never demonstrated his powers. What was the point of having powers if you never used them?

“What the hell can you even do? Fly? Heal? Summon tidal waves?” he would ask the boy everyday, but unfortunately, Jongin was too shy to ever answer.

Chanyeol got to find out one day when he accidentally threw a ball of flames in Jongin’s direction and the boy didn’t have enough time to run away. He was shocked to see the boy disappear before his very eyes and almost cried because he thought he had scorched his guest into smithereens.

“And that’s why you need to listen to your teachers or else you’ll set this whole place on fire!” Jongin cried out from behind him.

“H-how did you do that?” Chanyeol asked, tears welling up in his eyes. He was glad that Jongin wasn’t dead and terrified at the same time because what the hell just happened?

“If you just paid more attention, you’d know the current ruling family in Terra has the power of teleportation,” Jongin deadpanned.

Chanyeol rolled his eyes to show his disinterest, but deep inside he wanted to ask Jongin all sorts of questions like how he had a strong grasp on his powers at such a young age and if he could teleport with other people.

It took Chanyeol a few days to get over his arrogance and shockingly, Jongin opened up. The boy was more than willing to answer all his questions. Chanyeol also got to find out the reason Jongin was always so quiet: he was merely observing the fire prince.

“Figure your enemy out first before you attack.”

“What the hell? I thought there was some stupid peace treaty between the four kingdoms.”

“I was only joking!”

After that, the two princes quickly became friends and played childish games for the rest of the younger boy’s stay. They enjoyed each other’s company as they ran around the royal gardens and hid in desolate rooms scattered about the castle. The staff grew irritated with the boys scurrying around like mice, but they never stopped them because seeing their dearest prince with a wide grin on his face was a rare sight.

“I’ll really miss you, Chanyeol,” Jongin said when the boy and his father were ready to leave.

“Promise you’ll come back soon?” Chanyeol asked, knowing soon was going to be at least a year from now.

“I promise.”

The boys hugged it out, clutching onto each other’s robes for dear life. Their fathers had to tear them apart after five drawn out minutes. Chanyeol cried as he watched a fussy Jongin disappear into a wooden carriage.

The moment after Jongin’s departure, Chanyeol was completely bored out of his mind without his new friend around. None of the other children in the castle could replace the space the boy had left behind. Even though Jongin wasn’t around to keep Chanyeol sane, the fire prince was calm as he went about with his lessons. His teachers and father were impressed to see the change in the boy. Secretly, Chanyeol wanted to be on his best behavior because he wanted to be just like Jongin, serene and disciplined.

“You need at least two people to play hide-n-seek,” a voice said next to him under the bed one day when Chanyeol wanted to be left alone.

Chanyeol panicked and bumped his head against the wooden frame in a frenzy, screaming his head off for help. A hand came over his mouth and his heart began to beat erratically. This was end of his career as a prince until the voice spoke again.

“Shhhh!! It’s me, Jongin.”

When his heartbeat calmed down a bit, he told the stranger to come out from under the bed since he didn’t trust his abilities just yet to bring forth a wisp of fire. His eyes couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Jongin was really there in the flesh. He pinched the boy’s cheeks to confirm he was real and squealed out in glee.

“But how? You’re still young and travelling long distances can wear you out!” Chanyeol didn’t want Jongin using up all his energy just to visit him because he cared more about the boy’s well-being than his own loneliness. After only a week of lessons, he learned that exhausting one’s powers could lead to serious injuries, possibly permanent.

“I’m a prodigy,” Jongin gloated. “How else do you think I managed to get away from your attempt at murder last week? It’s hard for most kids my age to even move a couple feet and if they do succeed, it takes a lot of concentration.”

“O-oh. Does this mean I’ll get to see you everyday then?” The fire prince was delighted by the thought of seeing Jongin more often.

“Not everyday. Maybe once in awhile. Like you said, I’m still young. I don’t have a huge energy reserve so coming here really kicked my butt, but I’ll be able to get back home after I build the biggest tower,” Jongin challenged.

“No way. I’m taller than you!” Chanyeol shouted, yet he still ran over to his block set to get started just in case Jongin managed to find some secret method.

Ever since that day, Jongin made it a habit to stop by Chanyeol’s place at least once a week. They spent most of their childhoods waiting to see the other prince again and playing foolish games together. Some days they had to rush because Chanyeol had an extra lesson to attend to, or Jongin knew his father would be checking up on him. Nonetheless, they found time for each other, sneaking around just so they could be with their best friend.

As they grew into handsome young men, tensions grew between them because Jongin was getting better at harnessing his powers while Chanyeol could barely keep the flames stable in the palm of his hands. Chanyeol resented Jongin’s ever growing progress and didn’t blame the boy for making his visits less frequent than before. Eventually they stopped altogether. It confused Chanyeol because he didn’t think his petty feelings towards Jongin could affect him so much.

He apologized profusely for being an ass when the boy returned a month later and promised to be a better friend. Jongin simply pulled him in for a chaste kiss on the lips.

“What the hell?” Chanyeol asked, staggering back and nearly losing his balance. He didn’t know much about intimacy, but he understood people only shared kisses with those they liked.

“I-I’m sorry.” Jongin looked at him with wide eyes.

Chanyeol could tell Jongin was ready to go with the way his posture turned rigid and quickly grabbed a hold of his shirt. The earth felt like it was shifting beneath his feet and his head was absolutely dizzy. He was prepared to vomit all over his floors due to motion sickness, but when he looked down, they weren’t his floors.

“What the hell, Chanyeol? You shouldn’t be here!” Jongin hissed as if Chanyeol could go back home in the blink of an eye.

“Yeah, I can’t come and go as easily as you, but I can bake you the loveliest pie you’ve ever feasted on.”

Jongin shook his head as he paced around his room back and forth, wondering what the hell he was supposed to do now. He was too weak from traveling back from Ignis so soon after arriving and needed to wait a bit for his energy to recharge.

“God, you’re such an idiot. Just stay here while I go find a guard to bribe to take you back.” Yet again, Chanyeol found himself clinging onto Jongin and stopping him from leaving the room.

“Why do you want me to leave so badly? From what I can tell, you actually like me.”

“I do… but you obviously don’t like me back, so it’s best if you go home as soon as possible. I can’t handle having you around me.”

Chanyeol now understood why Jongin stopped visiting him for that short period of time. The boy must have been battling his feelings and mistaken Chanyeol’s jealousy for hostility. To be honest, he kind of liked Jongin back because he was the coolest playmate ever and could put up with Chanyeol’s tantrums.

“And I’m the idiot?” He leaned down and kissed Jongin like he meant it. He wanted to erase any doubt left in Jongin’s mind with each swipe of his tongue.

It wasn’t that hard to break down the walls the young prince had built around him as he succumbed to Chanyeol’s gentle touches and heated kisses.

Chanyeol didn’t go home until later in the evening that day and got in trouble for running off like a fool.

The visits became a permanent part of their lives as they grew closer to each other and instead of wrestling and riding horses, they found another way to entertain themselves.

Chanyeol is now a young man of twenty-four. He hasn’t changed much since his childhood, except now he can actually control his powers well and gets to call Jongin the love of his life.

“Your Grace, your father requests your presence immediately in his private chambers,” a servant relays.

Chanyeol had just gotten up and was about to break his fast, so leaving his untouched meal behind makes him grumpy. He is puzzled by the summons, wondering what he did wrong this time as he traverses the hallways and stairs. He greets the guards standing by the doors and hesitantly walks inside. His father is seated by the fireplace with a sheet of parchment paper lying on his lap. The prince can’t make out what’s written on the document, but it must be important since his father wears a solemn expression on his face.

“Father, you have asked for me?”

“Yes, son. Please take a seat,” his father says and gestures towards the velvet upholstered chair across from him.

Chanyeol does as he is told and tries to sneak glances at the paper as he waits, trying to decipher the message. The handwriting is too messy for him to read, unfortunately, but his eyes notice the broken seal on the floor. The wax is colored a sea green Chanyeol would recognize anywhere.

“In a few weeks, the Kingdom of Earth will be celebrating a most joyous day. Their prince is getting married,” his father announces.

Chanyeol’s heart stops beating. Blood drains from his face and his knuckles turn white from the way he clutches onto the edge of his seat.

“To whom?” Chanyeol dreads the answer.

“Prince Joonmyun from the Kingdom of Water.” The words crush the fire prince like a deadweight.

He can’t imagine why Jongin never mentioned Joonmyun or the upcoming wedding during any of his visits. The fact that he had to find out through his father first hurts so much. Every time Jongin came over, he wonders if the young prince thought to ever tell him.

“What’s with the sorrow look on your face? Nuptials usually make people happy.”

Chanyeol can’t be happy now, though. He’s going to lose the man he loves soon and said man hasn’t bothered to even tell him. Does this mean Jongin never loved him or did he think Chanyeol would never find out? What foolish thoughts.

“I must pardon myself, father. I’m feeling rather unwell.” Chanyeol smiles sadly at his father as he gets up, but the man stops him with a wave of his hand.

“Not before I tell you something else. I won’t be able to attend the wedding because I have other prearranged duties to handle, so you’ll have to go in my stead. I expect you to be on your best behavior, Chanyeol, because you represent an entire kingdom and a family name.” Chanyeol feels his knees growing weak. “Now go. I hope you feel better soon because you’re set to leave by the end of the week. I know you like to explore, so I’ve given you time to do so before the big event.”

It’s a miracle Chanyeol manages to make his way back to his rooms - with the help of a servant. He breaks down before he can reach his bed because the realization rests heavy on his weak and fragile heart. There are a plethora of questions swirling around his mind. Never in all his life has he questioned Jongin’s loyalty and being, but now all of a sudden he feels like he doesn’t know the man at all. The fond memories they shared together as children, budding teenagers, and now young men meant nothing to his lover, did they?

Despite being a pyrokinetic, all the warmth seeps out of Chanyeol’s being as he lays on the carpeted floor in a fetal position. He is reduced to nothing, a hollow shell of his former self. Jongin was his entire world, and now it seems like he’s been kicked out of orbit.

The castle is in a flurry as it prepares for Chanyeol’s departure. Clothing, food, and presents must be packed up for the long journey ahead of him. The Kingdom of Earth is on the opposite side of the continent, so his party must face the brutal deserts, unruly jungles, and mountainous terrain to reach their destination. Times like this make the prince wish he had the power to teleport.

Chanyeol is usually enthusiastic about trips to foreign lands, but the reason for this one puts a damper on his mood. He doesn’t help the maids gather his things, nor does he go down to the kitchens to ask for an extra basket of bread for himself. He merely stands on the sidelines, moping around as everyone else scurries from one end of the castle to the other. Whenever someone asks him for his opinion, he waves them off, not caring if his riding boots are shined or if there’s enough jewels encrusted into his belt.

Tonight Jongin is supposed to visit, but the fire prince is unsure if he wants the man to come. He doesn’t know what his reaction will be like once they are face to face. The pent up anger and confusion nag him to give Jongin a piece of his mind and his heart that weeps in agony begs him to try to make amends.

“Prince Chanyeol, how many -”

“Whatever you think is appropriate. I have a migraine,” he lies and walks away from the atrium.

Dinner is aggravating. Chanyeol has to sit through a long speech his father has prepared ahead of time for him. It mostly consists of reasons why he needs to stay on the earth king’s good side and things he isn’t allowed to do while away. The fire prince knows everything before his father even begins to speak because he learned how to be a diplomat as a young child. Lessons were beat into his brain before he was allowed to go out and play.

Chanyeol excuses himself the moment his father is done speaking and nearly has a heart attack when he sees Jongin standing by the bay window in his room. This isn’t the first time his lover has caught him off guard, but Chanyeol had hoped he would have a little more time to sort through his feelings.

“Jongin…,” he says coldly.

Jongin’s brows furrow, unused to the ice in Chanyeol’s voice and stands in place just to be safe. “Are you having a bad day?”

Chanyeol can’t help but laugh at Jongin’s obliviousness of the situation before them and slumps against the nearest wall for balance. He’s never known Jongin to be a fool. Once he wipes away the tears, he shakes his head.

“What is it then?” Jongin takes a chance and steps forward so he can wrap his arms around Chanyeol. It scares him when the latter doesn’t pull him in any further.

“Don’t tell me your father is ill, please.”

The fire prince keeps up the silence as he contemplates whether or not to push Jongin away from him. He’s disgusted by how easily Jongin can pretend everything is okay between them and wonders what happened to the man he fell in love with, if he even existed in the first place.

“Chanyeol, what’s going on with you? You’re always so happy to see me and all of a sudden you’re as heartless as a tyrant.” Jongin cradles Chanyeol’s face in his hands, searching his eyes for some answer behind the change in behavior.

Chanyeol doesn’t have it in him to laugh again because he’s starting to grow tired of his lover’s act.

“Do you want to know what my father informed me of just the other day?”

“What?” the young prince asks as if he doesn’t know the answer already.

“You’re getting married.” The words feel like lead on Chanyeol’s tongue.

Jongin drops his hands to his side and looks down on the floor, unable to meet Chanyeol’s eyes anymore. He is ashamed that the news had to arise like this, but he didn’t know how to bring it up in the first place. He was heartbroken when his father told him he was betrothed to Joonmyun out of the blue. Nothing was set in stone, so he hoped the arrangement would change before anything else happened and decided not to say anything to Chanyeol. When things began to move forward in his father’s plans, he was too shocked and terrified to open his mouth. The world he knew and shared with his lover was going to shatter in the blink of an eye. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing him so soon and selfishly kept the secret to himself.

He shares these thoughts with Chanyeol after a heavy silence and Chanyeol doesn’t show any emotion.

“I’m so sorry, Chanyeol! I should have told you the day I found out, but I knew you wouldn’t take the news well because we’re supposed to get married one day… Childhood wishes mean nothing in this world, sadly. If I could, I’d stop the wedding altogether because I love you and only you.”

Chanyeol can’t fault Jongin for not having any say in his future, but it still hurts nonetheless that the man never bothered to say anything until it was too late. Hesitantly, he snakes an arm around the other to let him know he understands. The heaviness weighing on his heart lessens, only by a bit.

“I know, Jongin. This is utter bullshit if you ask me. I wish I was stronger than this, but sadly you fell for someone so powerless,” Chanyeol whispers as he cards his fingers through Jongin’s hair.

If only Jongin wasn’t so choked up now, he’d let Chanyeol know that he doesn’t think he’s weak at all. Since his words are deemed useless, he tilts his head up to press a kiss to the corner of Chanyeol’s mouth.

“Can we pretend this is all a dream until -” Chanyeol can’t finish his thought when Jongin shuts him up and leads him over to the bed.

“Go make us and your kingdom proud, Chanyeol!” Chanyeol’s father shouts over the sound of the scouting party heading out first to make sure there are no dangers lurking in their path.

“I’ll try my best and bring you honor.” He salutes his father from atop his black steed and makes sure the rest of his party is ready to go before commanding them to march forth once they get the signal.

The road ahead of them will be long and daunting, but at the end of it all, Jongin will be there. After his lover’s last visit, they both agreed that his marriage will only put a slight hinderance to their relationship. They’ll try to carry forth more carefully because neither of them wants to let go of the best thing that has ever happened to them. The only way the love between them will die is if god himself intervenes.

It takes the party a week and a half to make it within the borders of the Kingdom of Earth. By then, most of their supplies have been used up. If there aren’t any delays or troubles in their future, they’ll make it to Terra without starving to death. Chanyeol makes sure most of the food goes to the older members and the weak, refusing to eat any more than the bare minimum because he will never be able to forgive himself if he ever lost any of his men or women. Everyone is amazed by how he manages to sit tall with barely any energy. Little do they know it’s the fire burning in his heart that drives him to keep going.

Chanyeol is exhausted riding his horse all morning, his legs sore and face red from the sun. He wants to slump over and fall onto the dirt path after barely eating anything, but he can see the high stone walls leading to the royal city, Terra. It’s the only thing keeping him upright because he knows Jongin will be waiting at the castle’s courtyard to greet him and his party.

His advisers want to make one last stop to freshen up before they meet the king, but Chanyeol could care less about smelling like sweat and grime. He urges everyone to keep moving forth and think about the plush sofas and beds they’ll get to lie on soon enough.

Once they’re only a couple miles away from the entrance, Chanyeol carelessly spurs his horse to pick up the pace. He can hear people calling out for him, their cries becoming more faint as the distance between them grows. Peddlers and farmers on the outskirts stare up at him with their mouths agape as he flies by, making his way up and down the winding roads of the city. He nearly scares a poor woman balancing a basket of ripe apples on her head, and he shouts an apology over his shoulder.

Soon he can make out the tiny figures at the castle gates and grins like a madman once he spots Jongin among them. He abandons his steed and throws the reins at the waiting stablehands to take by the archway, heading for the man he’s been dying to see, but upon noticing the King by Jongin’s side, his footsteps come to a sudden halt. He forgot all about the formalities and blushes when the King stares at him in befuddlement.

“Your Royal Majesty! It’s quite the honor to be standing here before you. I must apologize for my father’s, the King’s, absence, but I hope you will find me pleasant company too. Prince Jongin’s… wedding will be the talk of the century,” Chanyeol says as he takes several steps back to properly bow to his hosts.

The King roars in laughter, clutching onto his rotund belly as he throws his head back. “Oh, Prince Chanyeol. I am more than happy to have you come all the way out here from Ignis. Even though the King can’t be here to enjoy such a jubilant day, I’m sure you’ll be able to fill him in on the details. Now, where is the rest of your entourage? I’m certain your father would never let you journey so far on your own no matter how much you’ve grown.”

Chanyeol glances back and is in genuine surprise to see only a couple citizens staring in, in wonder. It takes him a second to remember he had left everyone behind because he was overexcited to see Jongin.

“Ah! They are just a little behind, is all. I just couldn’t help but rush here because I wanted to spend as much time as I possibly could in your beautiful capitol!”

“You make me blush, Prince Chanyeol. Well, when they arrive, we’ll make sure to bring your things up to your quarters. In the meantime, I’ll have Jongin show you around since he knows the castle better than anyone else.” The earth king nudges Jongin, who has been quiet all this time, towards Chanyeol. “Go, my boy. There is so much to see and our guest has a limited amount of time!”

Jongin beckons for Chanyeol to follow him inside of the front doors, down a long narrow hallway, then up a flight of stairs which leads to Jongin’s personal chambers. He tells the guards by the door to not bother him for the next hour while he shows Prince Chanyeol some of the things he’s received from overseas and locks the door behind them.

“Fuck, it’s been so long since I’ve last seen you,” Jongin mumbles as he pulls Chanyeol into his arms, taking in his musky scent.

“You came by just earlier this week!” Chanyeol chuckles and kisses Jongin on the top of his head.

Jongin thumps Chanyeol on the chest with a huff. “That’s considered a long time to me. I really missed you, you know.”

Chanyeol hums in response and leads Jongin over to the bed, pushing the young prince down gently onto the down covers.

“Is that really the right way to treat a crowned prince?” Jongin mocks as he settles on the bed.

Chanyeol rolls his eyes and pretends to contemplate whether or not he wants to join Jongin until his lover begins to whine. It may only have been a couple days since they’ve last seen each other, but now there’s no rush. Jongin doesn’t have to teleport home as soon as they finish making love and Chanyeol doesn’t have to worry about someone barging into his rooms for ‘important matters’.

“Come here,” Chanyeol commands once he’s sitting on the edge and Jongin is in his lap in an instant.

During the welcoming dinner, Chanyeol gets to sit on the King’s right hand side, the seat of honor. Every dish that comes by is served to him first which means all the finest cuts of meat end up on his plate. He can’t concentrate on enjoying the foods because his eyes keep scanning the room for a glimpse of this Prince Joonmyun from the Kingdom of Water he’s heard so much about. The other dinner guests are either from Chanyeol’s party or the King’s personal friends and advisers. They’re all too old to be the young man Jongin has told him about.

“Your Royal Majesty, will Prince Joonmyun not be joining us this evening?” Chanyeol asks.

“Oh no, my dear prince. Tonight is all about you and your arrival! Prince Joonmyun insisted on his absence. He didn’t want the spotlight taken away from you,” the King answers between bites of pheasant.

Chanyeol nods at the information and wonders just how cocky Joonmyun is to think that he could easily steal the spotlight. The fire prince is a boisterous character, after all, and the only person to have ever outshined him is Jongin, the apple of his eye.

“I see. When will I have the honor of meeting your soon-to-be son-in-law?”

“The day after tomorrow. The young man has decided to spend two days in a nearby village to relax and give you space. Isn’t he so thoughtful? I was right about choosing him as Jongin’s husband.”

The tinge of jealousy inside of Chanyeol manifests into a monster at the revelation. It’s one thing to have a royal marriage between two kingdoms for an alliance’s sake, but to have the earth king personally pick a husband for his son really hurts. This means the King doesn’t see Chanyeol as worthy or fit enough for Jongin.

After they’re all done eating, Chanyeol relays this information to Jongin, and Jongin swears Chanyeol is everything he could ever ask for in a man.

“Chanyeol! You need try this baker’s pies. They are absolutely divine!” Jongin exclaims the next day, leading his lover out into the heart of the city with an escort of guards.

“You have such a big sweet tooth. I’m surprised your teeth haven’t rotted away yet,” Chanyeol jests.

Not much has changed since Chanyeol had last visited Terra, but the experience of walking down the cobblestone roads and passing by marble fountains feels different. He refuses to admit that it’s the fact that he’s here to attend Jongin’s wedding and pushes the miserable thought out of his mind. Today is his day with Jongin, and he’ll try to make the best of it.

“My father doesn’t allow me to eat everything I want which is why a treat from time to time is okay.”

They arrive at an open air market where stands line up in rows with vendors shouting out prices and enticements. Jongin stops the group in front of a middle-aged woman offering a variety of baked goods spread out on a table. She smiles up at them and greets Jongin as if they’ve known each other for years. The guards try to step in when the woman grabs the young prince’s hand, but Jongin tells them to back down.

“It’s so nice to see you again, Areum. This is Prince Chanyeol from the Kingdom of Fire. I told him about your husband’s pies and we’d like to take one with us,” Jongin says as he looks over their options, drooling over the breads, cakes, and pies.

“Prince Chanyeol! Prince Jongin has told me so much about you. You’re much more handsome than he described.” The woman leans over her stand to get a better look at Chanyeol, and his face flushes instantly.

“I think I’ll have take a custard one, but they all look delicious.” Jongin fishes out a coin from his pocket and hands it over in exchange for the pie. “I’ll come back next week!”

“It’s a shame you can’t stay around to talk like usual, but I can’t blame you for wanting to leave so soon,” the vendor says, eyeing Chanyeol up and down. His face is now beet red.

As they prepare to depart, Jongin notices three children huddled together under the shade of a vegetable stand. They look famished and eye the dessert in his hands with interest.

“Areum! Please give these children one of your best pies. It’s on me!” Jongin cries out, tossing a gold coin to the woman.

“No wonder the people love you. I’ve never been around much to see you in action, but I now can believe why you’re the people’s prince.”

Chanyeol has always known Jongin was a good man, but to what extent was unknown to him until now. It warms his heart to see his lover look at the lower class as his equals instead of simply peasants. One day when Jongin takes the crown, Chanyeol is certain Jongin will be a fair and wise king who will go down in history for it.

When they return to the castle with a custard pie in hand, Jongin leads Chanyeol to the gardens in the back where they can enjoy the weather and their treat. The two princes sit underneath the shade of an ash tree.

“The pie has gotten cold already,” Jongin grumbles as if he doesn’t know Chanyeol has the power to command fire.

“Hand it over, you whiney baby.” Chanyeol places the pan atop his palm and carefully concentrates to will warmth to gather in his hand without combusting the pie. When he sees smoke rising, it’s time to stop.

“Thanks. You’re the best.” Jongin is greedy and steals the pie from Chanyeol, but regrets his decision immediately when the tin burns his fingers.

“Careful, Jongin, it’s hot.”

Once the pie has cooled down just enough for Jongin to eat, he claws a piece out ungracefully and gets crumbs all over his golden doublet. He doesn’t mind the mess at all since the custard pie tastes delicious, especially since Chanyeol warmed it up for him. He extends his hand out to feed the other and laughs when the piece misses his mouth, smushing it against his cheek instead.

“I’m going to get you for that!” Chanyeol squawks and makes sure the rest of the pie is safe before pinning Jongin down on the grass.

“What if someone catches us?” Jongin asks, no trace of worry in his voice.

“Considering you chose to sit here in the very back of the gardens, I’m pretty sure you had something like this in mind.” Jongin doesn’t have time to ask what this is when Chanyeol leans to mesh their mouths together in a tender kiss that turns heated instantly as the young prince slips his tongue inside of Chanyeol’s mouth and his hand up the front of the man’s shirt.

“Prince Chanyeol, this is Prince Joonmyun from the Kingdom of Water. I hope you two get along well, and if that stupid air king ever decides to get off his high horse, then all the princes can form another alliance to ensure harmony will be kept between the kingdoms when we bag of bones wither away,” the King sighs out.

“Oh, sire! You will reign for many decades to come. After all, you’re still young and have the agility of a mustang,” Joonmyun reassures him before turning to Chanyeol with a warm smile on his face.

This is the day Chanyeol has been dreading since his father sent him here, and all of the mental preparation from the past few weeks vanishes into thin air. He doesn’t like how genial and cordial Joonmyun looks. The older prince’s straight posture is also getting on his nerves. Today isn’t going to be a pleasant day. He isn’t sure if having Jongin here by his side is a blessing or a curse. It’s good to have support at the tips of his fingers, but Joonmyun will probably be the one winning all of Jongin’s attention because that’s his future husband.

“It’s nice to meet you, Prince Joonmyun,” Chanyeol says curtly and bows.

“It’s nice to meet you, too, Prince Chanyeol. We can drop the formalities if you’d like. I want to be good friends with you instead of just allies. A friend of Jongin’s is a friend of mine.”

Chanyeol grits his teeth. How can someone so petite in stature know what to say at all times and look completely at peace with the universe? People fumble over their words - yes, even royals, and god knows there are battles being fought and children getting kidnapped as they speak. Either Joonmyun isn’t a real man, or the Kingdom of Water has been feeding their prince something right.

“No more dilly-dallying now. We have a jousting tournament to attend to!” the earth king announces.

“What? I thought we were going to play several rounds of tennis,” Chanyeol utters out.

“Change of plans. I decided to put the tournament together last minute, so there won’t be that many impressive challengers, but it’ll still be quite the spectacle. We need to celebrate the upcoming wedding as much as possible!”

Jongin gives Chanyeol a sympathetic look because he knows his lover hates sitting around with nothing to do.

The entire court gathers outside in the stands, and the royalty get the privilege of sitting underneath an awning. Chanyeol is forced to sit next to Joonmyun, who has Jongin on his other side. Not only does he have to pretend to enjoy the games, but he has to sit next to this nut. It’s rather maddening, but he can’t say a thing because the King is sitting on his other side. For his father’s sake, he feigns interest as the challengers rush towards each other on their horses, metal clashing against metal. They ride around the long wooden barrier between them when neither player falls and they continue this stupid dance until one of them is on the ground. The crowd goes wild every time blood is shed, and all Chanyeol can think about is how crude this kind of entertainment is. Despite their fancy get-ups and titles, everyone here is a savage deep at heart.

He munches on the grapes proffered to him on a silver platter, shoving a handful in his mouth at a time to avoid talking as much as possible. He could care less about looking dignified in front of the crowd, and besides, they all have their eyes on the poor saps trying to dismount one another. The city could be on fire, and no one would take notice until it’s too late to save the skin on their back.

One man after another, they get a face full of dirt as they crash against the ground. The tension in the air rises as the tournament slowly reaches its climax. Joonmyun seems to be enjoying himself, as is the King. They hold brief conversations between rounds as the losers are dragged away into a tent for medical treatment, and Chanyeol has to slump in his seat so the men have no trouble communicating.

A winner is crowned after several arduous rounds, the last man standing out on the field. His breastplate is dented in several places where fallen challengers attacked him, but the man wears a smile on his face as if the angels above have blessed him. The earth king gives the honor of handing the prize over to Prince Joonmyun. The young man beams at Jongin as he stands up to proceed with the miniature ceremony, and it sickens Chanyeol to the core.

Jongin lets Chanyeol have his way with him that night because he wants his lover to forget about the horrible day he had.

To Chanyeol’s dismay, he has to spend more days with Prince Joonmyun. Having to sit next to the young man for hours was enough torture already, so he isn’t sure how he’ll keep himself sane anymore. To make matters worse, Jongin can’t spare any time to be with them as he has some wedding preparations to attend to.

The first two days are filled with unbearable silence on Chanyeol’s part as he listens to the older prince talk about his homeland and upbringing. He talks a lot about the Kingdom of Water's history, too, sharing tales about everything from the birth of water shows to the kingdom's participation in the worst war to wreck the kingdoms. If Chanyeol didn’t hate Joonmyun, he’d let the water prince know just how impressed he was that his kingdom caused droughts all over the lands during such a dire time.

Joonmyun doesn’t seem to mind the fact that he does all the talking during their allotted times together, so when he asks Chanyeol a question on the third day, it catches him off guard when the fire prince talks.

“How did you and Jongin meet?” Joonmyun asks during a walk around the gardens.

“Jongin didn’t tell you?” Chanyeol asks back without thinking.

Joonmyun shakes his head and looks up at Chanyeol with kind eyes. “All he told me was that you two were children back then. I didn’t want to prod him any further.”

“Yet you don’t mind prodding me? Way to be fair with a fellow royal,” Chanyeol scoffs, quickening his strides so Joonmyun struggles a little to catch up. He cringes inside seeing how unaffected the other is and wonders if there are even any buttons to push.

“That’s not what I meant. You don’t have to tell me either. I just wanted to understand Jongin a little more,” Joonmyun laments, his breathing beginning to turn shallow.

Chanyeol sure as hell isn’t going to give Joonmyun more information on Jongin because that may help to get them closer. Even though he has no say in their impending marriage, holding everything he knows about the young prince over Joonmyun’s hand is an invigorating feeling. For the first time, he finally has the upper hand. His behavior is childish at best, nothing like the values and lessons his tutors instilled in him, but he could care less right now as he watches Joonmyun’s expression change from contentment to sorrow.

“Something wrong, Prince Joonmyun?” Chanyeol asks, taking a sharp turn around a tall hedge.

“Not at all. I’m just... starting to get the impression you don’t like me,” Joonmyun shares.

Chanyeol thinks that’s the understatement of the century. He hates Joonmyun’s guts and every fiber of his being. The fact that he’s healthy, intelligent, and courteous makes everything ten times worse. It figures, considering only the finest will do for Jongin, according to the King. Remembering that he is not worthy of his lover’s hand in marriage stings more, now that the big day is coming up.

“Prince Chanyeol! Is your heart well?” Joonmyun exclaims with worry as he stops Chanyeol from walking any further.

“What in the world are you talking -” Chanyeol hadn’t realized he’d been clutching at his chest and gently shoves Joonmyun away from him with his free hand. He would love to see the older prince cry from a fall, but he’s slightly above that, barely.

“I’m going back to my rooms. I think the sun is getting to me,” Chanyeol lies and walks past the page who had been assigned to accompany the young men.

He presses his face into the soft pillows of his bed upon arrival, heaving out a sigh. His chest still feels heavy after a maid pours him a glass of water, and he demands to be left alone for the rest of the day. He’ll have his dinner in his rooms despite the fact he would be able to see Jongin (for the first time in days) if he joined the others, but right now he wants to be alone with his thoughts.

“What’s bothering you, Chanyeol?” Jongin asks the eve of the wedding.

They’re sitting together on Jongin’s four-poster bed, and he’s been bugging Chanyeol all afternoon to disclose his thoughts. It’s agonizing to not know what’s going through his lover’s head sometimes. He understands that a part of the silence is due to the unfortunate events that must occur, but both princes understand they had no hand in the dealings.

Chanyeol can’t blame Jongin for following his father’s wishes because that’s the filial thing to do, but deep down he wishes they could simply run away together and throw all responsibility to the winds.

“That’s wishful thinking, son,” Chanyeol’s father had told him once when he was a young child who only wanted to roll around in the dirt and light bugs on fire. “You’re a Park. With that name comes great responsibility, but I believe you can shoulder that burden once you’re older.”

Chanyeol can barely shoulder the burden of losing his lover to someone who is more smart and charming than he is. At least he can be grateful towards Jongin for never pushing the issue at hand when they are alone, putting up the veil of illusion that Chanyeol is only visiting Terra simply for pleasure.

“I can’t bear the thought of losing the person I care about the most,” Chanyeol confides in Jongin. They already knew what was going through his mind, but hearing him actually say those words weighs heavily on them.

“You won’t be losing me because I’m only a finger snap away from you,” Jongin assures him and lays down on the bed, pulling Chanyeol down on top of him.

Jongin caresses his lover’s cheek with the back of his hand, in the hopes that the gesture will help calm the storm rumbling in his mind. He smiles to himself when Chanyeol leans into the touch and pecks him on the forehead.

“Please, tell me this is all a bad dream,” Chanyeol mutters as he mouths Jongin’s neck, knowing he can’t leave any marks this time.

“I-I can’t, but we can pretend that it’s only you and me,” Jongin offers, turning his head to give Chanyeol more access.

Jongin’s answer suffices for now, and Chanyeol blocks the outside world, focusing all his attention on the man he loves. He takes his time unlacing the front of his lover’s linen shirt and dragging the flimsy fabric over his head. Once that’s out of the way, he leans down to slot their lips together, lazily licking his way into Jongin’s mouth. He’s tasted the most succulent fruits Ignis has to offer, but they will always pale in comparison to the sweet taste of his lover.

Chanyeol pulls away when his lungs burn for oxygen and grins at the flush on Jongin’s cheeks, murmuring to himself about how pretty Jongin looks. He takes his time mapping out Jongin’s body with his mouth, committing every line and curve to memory. He leaves a trail a kisses down along the young prince’s chest all the way to his navel and sucks lightly on his protruding hipbones.

Jongin grows impatient with each passing moment, the feeling of Chanyeol’s tongue gliding over his skin is not enough anymore. His erection strains against the rough fabric of his pants, and he groans when it seems like Chanyeol is intent on making him suffer, but a sigh of relief comes when the other finally pulls his trousers down. The temporary comfort subsides as Chanyeol ignores Jongin’s cock and spreads his legs open to leave open mouth kisses on his inner thighs.

“Park Chanyeol, no games. I need you now,” Jongin says and locks Chanyeol’s head in place with his knees.

“I just wanted to cherish you properly for the last time…”

Jongin feels bad and reaches down to card his fingers through Chanyeol’s hair in a silent apology. All seems to be forgiven when Chanyeol gives his cock the attention it seeks. He’s forever grateful for how good the other makes him feel, from the way Chanyeol’s tongue traces the vein on the underside of his cock to the slickness of his mouth as he engulfs as much of the length as possible. The delicious heat has him writhing, clawing at the bed sheets.

“Fuck, I want you inside of me before I cum,” Jongin gasps out sharply when the head of his cock hits the back of Chanyeol’s throat.

Chanyeol concedes to Jongin’s whim. As much as he would love to take his time worshipping Jongin’s body, he wants to make his lover the happiest man alive, even if it’s for only a night. He gets himself undressed as fast as possible, clothing thrown carelessly onto the floor. He gets situated between Jongin’s legs as he commands the other to suck on his fingers while using the other hand to pump himself.

Jongin takes Chanyeol’s fingers into his mouth willingly, slicking the digits up with swipes of his tongue and sucking on them obscenely to garner a reaction from the other man. It seems to work when he pulls away suddenly, muttering a slew of profanities under his breath.

Chanyeol slowly works him open, one finger at a time. He allows Jongin a bit of time in between a new addition to get comfortable, wanting this to be as pleasurable experience for him as possible. Jongin is keening by the time the third finger is in and digs the heels of his feet into the small of Chanyeol’s back, urging him to fuck him already.

Jongin’s eyes roll back when Chanyeol fills him up, and he takes a moment to steady his breathing. When he’s finally ready, he tugs Chanyeol down for a kiss. Chanyeol’s movements are slow as he thrusts and tweaks one of Jongin’s nipples between his fingers to add on an extra layer of pleasure.

This feels like the first time they got together, taking things slowly and making sure both parties’ needs are being satisfied, except this time there might not be a next time.

The only things spilling from their mouths are breathy moans and each other’s names as they get closer and closer climaxing. Jongin is dizzy and out of his mind from the way Chanyeol pounds into him, making him feel so, so good. He’ll never get tired of Chanyeol holding him down by his hips, which always leaves faint bruises. When he feels the familiar pressure building up, he reaches between their bodies to jerk himself off to completion.

Soon they’re both chasing for release and cry out one another’s name in bliss.

Chanyeol swears he can see tears spilling down Jongin’s cheeks when the initial high begins to fade, but he can’t really tell through the tears fogging up his own vision.

Part II

mamaau, chanyeol/kai, romance, nc-17

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