Jan 02, 2005 20:40
Full name: Kristy Ann Callahan
Age: 14
Sex: female
Location: auburn… what now?
Hair color: brownish
Hair length: pretty long
Hair style: long layers
Eye color: hazelish
What kind of eyes do you have (i.e.: almond shaped, hooded, deep set, etc.)? never really thought about it
Race/ethnicity: does it really matter… i’m just me :]
Freckles or no? nope
Any beauty marks? no
Birthmarks? nope
Do you have many scars? Too many to count… what can I say, I’m accident proned
What kind of nose do you have (i.e.: up-turned, pointed, wide, etc.)? haven’t thought about that either
What shape of face do you have (i.e.: heart, round, oval, square)? Ovalish
Height: 5’5 ish
Do you have broad or sloping shoulders? Who knows… not me
Are you curvy, boy-shaped, or in-between? curvish
Are you tan, pale, or in-between? kind of tan
Style: comfort… sweatshirts and jeans
What are your insecurities? i have a couple of them
Do you like yourself? Most of the time
Do you pay attention in class or daydream? Pay attention mostly, unless its history or spanish or english
Do you get your assignments done right away or do you procrastinate? procrastinate
Are you a perfectionist or could you really just not give a shit? perfectionist most of the time
Do you have any obsessions/fetishes? reality tv..............
Are you more serious, silly, or a little bit of both? i can be either
Do you like mint or fruit flavored things better? fruit
What is your dream car? a blue mustang... but the old ones, not the new ones... they just messed them up
What is your favorite shape? square... maybe?
Do you like to doodle? i suppose
If so, what do you tend to doodle the most? whatever my pen decides to doodle
Do you like to read? yes i do
Who is your favorite author? tracy chevalier tops my list
What is your favorite genre of literature? fiction
Do you watch more TV or movies? tv... all the way
Which is better South Park or Spongebob Squarepants? spongebob
Slipper or socks? socks
Do you like photos in black & white or color? depends on the picture
What is your favorite snack food? a bunch of things
If you were about to be executed, what would your last meal be? why would i be about to be executed???
If you went to prison, would you be the bitch or the bitch maker? ....
Are you a leader or a follower? leader most of the time
Do you consider yourself unique? everybody’s unique in some ways
What do others think about you? i hope they think that i’m a nice person... but ask them if you’d really like to know what they think
Do you have many friends? i think so
Have you ever tipped over a port-a-potty? nope, that would be kind of fun though
With someone in it? no
If not, would you? i dont see why not
Do you enjoy classical art? why not
Abstract art? why not again
Who is your favorite artist? not sure
Do you like to write? depends on what i’m writing
If so, what kind of things do you like to write? not sure
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? extrovert mostly
Are you or have you ever been a self-injurer? no thanks
What do you think of self-injury? i don’t think it’s the best thing in the world a person could do with themselves
Are you very empathetic or are you an insensitive jerk? empathetic most of the time... but i can be a jerk too
Did it make you giggle that this is number 69? no
Are you immature? who isn’t?
What do you think of the kids that pick on substitutes? shut up and just stop.
What do you think about adultery? don’t see why people do it... if you have someone, why cheat on them?
Greed & power-hungry people? why be greedy?... enjoy what you have.
Murder? don’t do it.
Reincarnation? i dont know
Do you often think of suicide? nope
Would you ever commit suicide? no
Have you ever tried...and obviously failed? no
Do you think you’re “hardcore”? no
Do you think you’re “emo”? no
“Punk”? no
“Gothic”? no
“Prep”? no
What stereotypical high-school label did you think you fall under? i don’t fall under a label... i think they are stupid, and they serve no purpose, because everybody’s different and might not be how people think they are.
Do you think that reflects you as a person, or is it just a bunch of BS that people made up to judge you? bs
Do you think there is actually a meaning to why we are here? Or is the universe just a random sequence of chaotic events? yet another question i have never thought about
Do you live to love or love to live? bothhhh
Which of your parents are you most like? neither one of them
Does it offend you when people say that you look or act like one of your parents/siblings? it doesn’t offend me, it just gets annoying when all you here is “you look so much like your mom”
Where do you go to just sit and think? i suppose my room
Are you an intelligent person? yes
In what area do you have alot of knowledge? the math area... not a fan of english
What are your interests? friends, family, tv, music, dancing, having fun,
What are your goals in life? go to college, meet someone, buy a house, get married... the normal stuff
Do you like commercials? i hate them... they are a waste of good show time
Do you hate “the man”? i guess not
Do you fall somewhere on the right or left wing in politics? i have no idea
Are you a paranoid person? sometimes
Do you think that your room reflects you as a person? yup
What would you say is most reflective of you in your room? my wall o’ memories... a.k.a. my picture wall
Do you express yourself through your clothing/make-up? doesn’t everyone?
Do you realize that we come into this world alone and that we all will die alone? why do you think we have friends and family????
What do you think about gun rights? i think only police and other authorities should have guns... why do normal people need them ... “to protect ourselves” well you wouldn’t need to really protect yourselves if there was no maniacs running around with guns
Abortion? if some girl is fucking everyone and not being careful... then i think its her responsibility to keep the child, or put it up for adoption... if someone was raped then i think it is their choice
Do people find you “creepy”? i dont believe so
Do you keep a journal? no i do not
Does it depress you to think about the past? the past is done and over with... why be depressed about it?
Did you have a “normal” childhood? as normal as it could have been
Were you a fucked up child? no... maybe a bit weird, but what kid isn’t weird..
What do you think about dreams/nightmares? dreams are good, nightmares aren’t pleasant
Are they an insight into your subconscious or do you think that it’s all just random? i think sometimes they are what you’re actually thinking... but sometimes its all random, what else could explain ninja turtles trying to get out of a fire... can you say RANDOM?!