Special Announcement!

May 15, 2018 01:14

Hi this is mod h!

First of all, I would like to thank all the participants and readers from the first round until the latest. You are all amazing and wonderful for supporting Kris/Baekhyun as a pairing, and without all of you the previous rounds would not have been possible!

However, with a heavy heart, it’s time to announce that we won’t be holding any more exchange/fest activities in the future. We will however:

1. Open a prompting form so users can send in prompts all year round
2. Allow prompt adoptions from round two and three prompts along with the new ones
3. Open the krisbaek LJ community for you to link your fics
4. Open a collection for all krisbaek fics on AO3 so they will all be accessible in one place
5. Promote and recommend krisbaek fics weekly on our Twitter, complete with links

These might seem too much as compared to running a fest or exchange but this gives writers the freedom to write for a given prompt, or to just write whatever their heart desires (given that they are not violating certain genre/theme exceptions). We are aiming to promote creativity without the usual confines of anonymity that fests/exchanges require so that writers can communicate freely in their public platforms about what they’re writing.

We hope that in this new endeavour we might be able to keep krisbaek writers going! We do need a bit of time to set this all up, in the meantime, we hope you reread some of the fics already up and tune in for further updates.

As always, our DM on Twitter is always open for questions, concerns, and suggestions.

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