#2 Don’t Pretend (I Think You Know I’m Damn Precious) Part 1

Nov 08, 2016 11:00

Prompt Number: #2
Author: AO3: merzie
Title: Don’t Pretend (I Think You Know I’m Damn Precious)
Words: 11,543 words
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none, except for language at occasions.
Summary: Baekhyun is sure Kris secretly likes him and it drives him crazy that Kris hasn’t confessed to him yet (but it’s not like he expects him to. Baekhyun likes girls, right? Right?) Baekhyun daringly bets his friends that he can make Kris confess to him by the end of the year. In his persuit he does a lot of things to attempt to drive the presumably tall gay man crazy. The question is, does Kris even like boys?

Authors note: I just wkbjfewinf!!!!!! I’ve finally did it! This was quite the task to complete and I hope you will like it OTL I fell in love with this prompt the moment I laid eyes on it, and I sincerely hope I haven’t strayed too far from what you wanted. Shout out to N and S for holding my hand through this. N, my love, thank you for supporting me and rushing to assure me whatever I write is good. I don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t have you as my best friend. And S. You’re the first person I showed my stories too and you liked it without even knowing I wrote it and that…thank you for that. It means so much more to me than you can imagine. Shout out to the mods for hosting this fic exchange because the world needs more krisbaek :’)

(Also shout out to my laptops, both of which decided to crash each time I wanted to write. You have really truly taught me patience. -__-“ )

It can’t be helped. At least that is what Baekhyun thinks to himself; attempting to justify the reason why his eyes are glued to the swish swash movements of Jinri’s pleated skirt and not to the book lying wide open in front of him. To his left Jongdae is droning on about Objects or Functions or something, Baekhyun only managed to catch a few words of what he was going on about…for the past hour. Baekhyun nods to himself after checking the time on his phone. Chanyeol was supposed to come rescue him half an hour ago, under the pretext of buying a birthday gift for his sister. It was always their pact. It was what solidified their brotherhood. And now Chanyeol has broken that trust.

He pockets his phone with a heavy sigh that gets cut off by a knock to his head, courtesy of Jongdae.

This time around Baekhyun manages to listen to a whole five minutes about different data structures, even managing to highlight a few lines of his notes with his precious blue highlighter, before his attention was caught by soft high pitched laughter. Baekhyun’s eyes betray him yet again and follow the sound to see Amber and Sunyoung walking away from him. He really doesn’t mean to stare, really, but the sway of Sunyoung’s hips, the curve of her back and oh the bump of her ass has got him hypnotized. What? Baekhyun likes good-looking butts; he prides himself on having an amazing one.

He snaps out of his reverie when the girls walk two tables past the one he is sitting at and his eyes land on Kris. The dreamy smile he sported is immediately replaced with an unconscious frown. Kris is with Lu Han and that kid from his Computer Design class who looks like he never gets enough sleep. He squints in Lu Han’s direction. Lu Han is too pretty.

“Baekhyun-ah, you’re staring again. Kris is already hot enough as it is, maybe the heat of your glare will melt him down into a puddle. I’m certain the janitor wouldn’t appreciate that.”

Junmyeon is in no position to say that, Baekhyun thinks, and says, “Hyung, I wasn’t looking at him. I was just following your gaze to Lu Han.” Junmyeon flushed at getting caught.

Ah. Lu Han and Junmyeon. Junmyeon and Lu Han. It all started back in freshman year, three years ago. Junmyeon was gushing to his best friend from childhood, Kim Jongdae, and the pretty guy who attached himself onto Junmyeon and refused to let go during orientation, Byun Baekhyun, about this ‘really, really, REALLY pretty noona’. He was star struck, THAT was inevitable. Lu noona was pretty, funny and smart, and so, so kind to juniors like them. Or at least she looked like it from across the hall, Junmyeon explained; he didn’t really have the kind of steely nerves to go up to her and talk. And that is where pretty, little Byun Baekhyun came to play. Junmyeon had found out the hard way, literally, that Baekhyun is stronger than what his appearance gives away; in fact these words were quite literally his exact thoughts as he went barreling into Lu noona, and taking both of them down. Park Chanyeol, Lu Han’s self appointed body guard, heaved him off and set him aside before rushing to help noona up. Junmyeon probably was hurling colorful expletives at Baekhyun in his head, Baekhyun thinks so even now. And Junmyeon, being himself, colored a violent shade of red and apologized just as violently at Lu noona’s general direction. The soft, MANLY voice that rushed to assure him “No, no, everything’s alright. No harm done.” certainly took all of them by surprise. Junmyeon was awed by Lu noona, but he was absolutely smitten with Lu Han hyung. Baekhyun had thought Junmyeon couldn’t turn any more red than he was then, but apparently, it was one of the few occasions he had been proven wrong.

“As flattering as it is to use my voice as the soundtrack while you check out your schoolgirl crushes, I must leave.”

Oh well. Jongdae always managed to snap them out of any reverie they get stuck in.

Lu Han looked away from his friends exactly then, probably sensing the weight of three pairs of eyes on him. He fixed all of them with a quizzical stare and slowly raised his hand to give them a slight wave. The three of them smiled back as innocently as they could; innocent, perhaps, convincing, not even by a mile. It was only when Junmyeon used his smile, the kind that was all rainbows and sunshine and pixie dust, did Lu Han smile back enthusiastically and everyone stop with their awkward staring match. Only Baekhyun’s eyes noticed the pink spreading across both their cheeks. He looked back at Lu Han again, only to look at Kris directly in the eye. Baekhyun had always been good at hiding the color in his cheeks.


Concentration had never been Baekhyun’s forte. He could focus on something only if he feels that it is worth his attention. So one fine day, while zoning out during a study session with Chanyeol, Jongdae and Junmyeon, Kris Wu, Wu Yifan, Kevin Wu.., Duizhang? Or whatever name he preferred, caught his attention. Kris was looking at him, and had been looking at him for a while now, Baekhyun was sure. He looked away suddenly when his eyes met Baekhyun’s. That marked the beginning of many fleeting glances by both parties. Baekhyun always made sure to stare extra hard, to figure Kris out. So far he could only make out this: Kris looked troubled and he wasn’t sure why, or Kris was trying to hold in a particularly loud sneeze by looking at him. Baekhyun was sure it was the former. After all, Baekhyun is rarely wrong. After that Kris is a presence that was ever present on his radar. Baekhyun’s mind came to one other conclusion: Kris likes him. Surely, it can be nothing else. Like he said once to Jongdae, “I always know when someone likes someone, it’s my superpower.”


That weekend found the four friends crowded on Chanyeol’s small couch for their weekly movie night. After the Great Disaster of last week, they decided against horror movie night. Escorting Chanyeol everywhere, especially the bathroom was not something anyone wanted to experience again. That is also how we found the four friends watching Cardcaptor Sakura with varied levels of interest. Junmyeon was so engrossed in the way Sakura was taming each card, leaning towards the television, running his fingers though Chanyeol’s hair. Jongdae was in the middle of tearing up a tissue into tiny pieces and “making it snow” when Baekhyun could not take it anymore.

“I think Kris likes me!”

Toya is staring at him incredulously from the T.V screen; the single beat of silence seems to last an eternity and Baekhyun can’t find it in himself to laugh it off as a joke.

“Okay. I’ll take the bait” Jongdae sighed. “What makes you say that, Baek?”

“My superior spidey senses, and the fact that I always catch him looking at me. Also, he is always around us. Don’t tell me you guys haven’t ever noticed that”

“Does he even like guys? I haven’t heard of him dating anyone, girl or boy.” Chanyeol chipped in, no longer lying on Junmyeon’s lap.

“Ah.” Baekhyun raised on elegant finger. “See, that is because he likes me, for quite some time now actually. He just hasn’t confessed yet.”

“Aren’t you getting a little ahead of yourself, Baek? Wait! Is that why you’re always staring at him?” Baekhyun does not know why Junmyeon looks so surprised when he really isn’t, deep down…somewhere.

“I was just trying to provide him an opportunity to confess so that we can all move on!”

Everyone looks as unconvinced as Baekhyun feels with his statement.

“Okay, how about this? If Baek is actually right, Junmyeon hyung should ask Lu Han hyung out. I mean think about it, if he is right, then Baekhyun can move on and both of you hyungs can stop sending each other heart eyes all the time. In case he is wrong, then we get to remind him of this moment for the rest of his life." Jongdae finishes this by flashing a smile that was so smug that Bakehyun wanted to hit him with a pillow. And that was how Chanyeol is short of one throw pillow on his couch.

Baekhyun isn't sure how it happened but he goes to bed that night with a sole purpose in mind: Make Kris Wu confess his undying love for Baekhyun. It won't be that difficult right?

Unless he was wrong...but that can't be possible. How can he make sure that Kris likes him? Baekhyun knows of the whole ‘ Nothing good happens after 2 am’, but that is so easy to ignore when one is sleep deprived and restless to make people confess. Baekhyun’s half asleep mind happily supplied him with the solution to his worries: The internet. It was a vast ocean full of answers and all Baekhyun had to do was fish it out.

And that’s what he did after abandoning all thoughts of getting some sleep. He felt a little silly typing in "how to know if a guy likes you" into the search bar- Chanyeol would never let him forget this if he comes to know of this, good thing he won’t.

Ooo. How to Know if a Guy Likes You (with Pictures). This must be good.

Opening up the page, he was going through all the steps. He still felt silly, but he pushed it aside and focused on getting his task done. He needs to make sure Kris likes him.

1. Examine his body language. How is Baekhyun supposed to do that when the taller male is too scared to come and talk to him? Blah blah blah. Oh! He looks at you a lot. Ha! Baekhyun is on the right track after all!

2. Notice his eye contact. As already noted, a guy who is interested in you will look at you a lot, even if covertly. He may try to catch your eye or, if he's shy, he may suddenly turn his head away if you catch him checking you out. Baekhyun’s glee is on the verge of exploding! Kris does like him! But why was he so happy about it? Oh yeah, he gets to prove to those three derps that he was right, as always. Nothing else.

3. Listen to what he is saying. Well, that does it. He needs to go and talk to Kris. For research purposes. Right.

4. Notice his interest in touching and being touched.

5.Watch his actions to see if he treats you differently from the rest of your group.

6. Watch for him showing a sudden, previously unexpressed interest in things that you like and do. Baekhyun groans and repeatedly slams his forehead on the table. Why did he never talk to Kris?
7. Check signs of nervousness. Kris always looks skittish around him. Ah...so he was nervous. Baekhyun nods his head understandingly.

None of the other steps are applicable in his current situation.

If he is doing this, then he needs to do it the right way. He needs a game plan. Well, this will be easy. He digs out a notebook and scribbles at the back page in the prettiest handwriting he can manage.

STEP 1: Establish contact.
STEP 2: Make sure he likes you. (for Jongdae’s sake)
STEP 3: Confession time!!!!!

By the time Baekhyun goes to bed it’s already 6 am, but hey, at least he can sleep peacefully now. He just need to set his plan into motion the next day, it’ll be easy peasy lemon squeezy.


Step 1: Establishing contact.

Baekhyun woke up after 6 hours of restless sleep, alight with a burning passion to prove his friends wrong. He needs to talk to Kris today itself. But it’s a Saturday and Kris lives off campus (Baekhyun just knows okay, it’s one of those ‘don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answers to’ sort of thing or something like that), so there is no chance of running into each other.

Unless…Jongdae throws a party at his place. After all what is college life if you don’t have any parties, right? And Jongdae does have a pretty decent place next to their campus, right? And he has been mentioning he wants to see Lu Han and Junmyeon together (“The endless pining has to stop! Hopefully, you might be able to be charming enough to get Kris to fall for you!”). Besides, Jongdae is close enough to Lu Han, so he will have to invite him. And Lu Han will obviously come because Junmyeon will come, and Junmyeon will come because Lu Han will come. Also, Lu Han and Kris are always together, so he will tag along, right? Right?

Baekhyun briefly wonders how his life got so complicated.

Planning out the whole evening was way easier than bringing it into action, Baekhyun realizes. Convincing Jongdae into throwing a party involved plenty of food and alcohol, along with making an unexpected dent in his savings. But hey, Baekhyun managed to sneak two sips (unseen by Jongdae) of the very pricey beer and one piece of fried chicken (also taken away while Jongdae was not looking) that he had to pay for. He could only comfort himself thinking that it will be worth it in the end.

It really is for the best after all, and as someone who has studied probability for a whole semester he is sure that there is only 40% chance that this will fail. Also, he is an outgoing person, he won a prize in kindergarten for being friendly; talking with Kris would not be a problem. He is a go-getter, exactly like how he is going after Kris Wu. He isn’t going after Kris Wu or anything, do not misunderstand, all Baekhyun wants to do is help the poor guy. Baekhyun also got a prize in second grade for being helpful.

Unfortunately for Baekhyun, he had never won any prizes for planning things. Getting Jongdae drunk in the morning was his first wrong move. Also unfortunately for him, he was never that good in his probability classes. Standing there, looking at Kris and Lu Han from across Jongdae’s living room, Baekhyun thinks the probability of him succeeding is a solid 40%. His professor must be crying happy tears since he probably is right. (Finally.)

His luck turns for the worse when Chanyeol drapes a long arm around his shoulder, herding both him and a piteous looking Junmyeon in the direction where Baekhyun had last spotted Kris. This night was definintely not working out for him.

Baekhyun winces as Chanyeol practically pushes Junmyeon into Lu Han’s arm (Lu Han is stronger than he looks. And also not a light weight. He’s had four glasses of beer by now -Baekhyun had counted- and he’s still got pretty good reflexes. Baekhyun might approve of him. He could perhaps take care of Junmyeon).

“Hey you.” Lu Han is beaming at Junmyeon, and Junmyeon is doing the same, albeit a little shy due the sudden proximity of his crush.

It looks like a scene right out of a drama and Baekhyun wants to cry because that was supposed to be him and Kris tonight.

“Hey Baekhyun” Lu Han finally set his half-moon eyes on him (while setting his hands around Junmyeon’s waist. Baekhyun is only slightly miffed that his best friend allows Lu Han to hug him while Baekhyun is pushed away)

“Hey Lu Han. Kris” Baekhyun nods at the latter. The only response he gets is a lazy smile, that soft around the edges and Baekhyun is quite unfortunately mesmerized by that. Snapping out of it fast, he smirks at the shy couple-to-be (“They would have been a couple by now if they had the fucking balls to confess to each other”-Park Chanyeol)

“Be careful, Jun’s never really been able to handle liquor well. Last time we had him do shots, he started stripping. It was quite the sight. Scarred my eyes though; but you wouldn’t mind that would you?” Baekhyun teased.

The flush spreading across their faces while denying at the same time was enough of an answer.

“Lu Han can only handle a maximum of five cups of beer. He turns red and giggly after that. I might have a video of that in my phone if you’re interested.” Kris’s eyes are mischievous as speaks up from Baekhyun’ side. He could have sworn Chanyeol was there a moment ago.

Perhaps, Kris isn’t as socially awkward as Baekhyun might have believed him to be. Conversation flows easily between them; bantering with Lu Han and Junmyeon, and then by themselves too after a while-Lu Han had to take a tipsy Junmyeon back home.

Perhaps this won’t be that difficult, Baekhyun thinks while lying in bed after getting a Good Night text from Kris. He falls asleep with a smile playing on his lips.


Except that it still is difficult to get Kris to confess. Especially when it does not like he’s in- forget love, at least in like with Baekhyun.

It has been two weeks since his relationship with Kris progressed, but it still limited to random texts and making small talk while running into each other.
Baekhyun once again turns to his trusted friend. He searches for how to know if a shy guy likes you. But Kris isn’t all that shy. Baekhyun established that fact when Kris slung an arm over him while standing around and teasing Lu Han the other day. He was really warm, but so was Baekhyun’s ex-girlfriend and she had a heart made entirely of ice.

He sighs and clicks on the first search result he sees.

1. Don’t ask him outright if he likes you. Baekhyun snorts at that. He has more tact that that. Besides Baekhyun’s not the one for confrontations, they make his hands sweaty and his heart race.

2. Don’t ask his friends if he likes you. So no cornering Lu Han about it then.

3. Compare his behavior towards you with his behavior towards others. He acts exceptionally nice and friendly to everyone but him. Now Baekhyun isn’t that intimidating. He’s harmless. Except that he’s got a sharp tongue and he bites. Well, only those he likes…

He skips through the rest of the stuff. All the articles say the same anyways. And he refuses to try the final step listed in the article.

Grumbling under his breath, he moves on to typing into the search bar again; Baekhyun knows Kris likes him! He need not waste his time checking online if Kris likes him. He keys in how to get a guy to admit he likes you, instead.

1. Make sure he is not committed to anyone else. Hmm. It’s research time.

Baekhyun makes sure to buy banana milk along with his lunch the next day and promptly sits down where Lu Han is sitting with that sleepy kid. He knew Kris has to practice for the upcoming game. (he only knows this because Chanyeol’s there is the Basketball team with Kris. Baekhyun did not stalk him and find his schedule.)

Sleepy kid’s eye light up on seeing banana milk while Lu Han eyes it with slight disgust. Well, oops. Lu Han does not like banana milk. He’ll be sure to inform Junmyeon about that.

“Baekhyun, this is Jongin. Jongin, Baekhyun” Lu Han waves his hands to and fro. He has pretty hands too. Baekhyun gives up trying to find a flaw in him. Junmyeon’s got taste in men.

“We share a class together, hyung.” Sleepy, no, Jongin says. Baekhyun decides he’s too cute (like a puppy!) and shall be referred to as ‘Sleepy’ in his mind.

“Yeah, hyung. You should pay attention to your friends and not just Junmyeon” it definitely is fun to tease Lu Han.

Lu Han sniffs and says nothing.

“So, when are you planning on asking him out? I need to question your intentions for my best friend before that.” He jokes. Or at least he hopes it comes across as a joke. Junmyeon doesn’t need to know Baekhyun is capable of having feelings.

“My intentions for your best friend are totally innocent and pure!” Lu Han squawks indignantly.

“I’ll let Junmyeon know he won’t be getting any action then” Jongin smiles serenely. Baekhyun thinks he found a new best friend. Park Chanyeol doesn’t have to know he’s been replaced. That smug bastard knows Baekhyun loves him.

(Somewhere in the campus Chanyeol loses control of the ball and it falls on an unsuspecting Kris’s face. Kyungsoo hadn’t come to see his game; the ominous chill down his spine was perplexing.)

“The only one not getting any is your cousin!” Lu Han defends himself.

Jongin’s cousin? Baekhyun feels a little lost.

“Don’t talk about my Kris hyung like that!” Well, well, well. He is single. Perfect.

Baekhyun suppresses his creepy smile as much as he could (not much) and launches off to start a conversation on why they all need to get laid. Jongin was very agreeable. Baekhyun really likes Jongin now.

1. Find out his position on dating and relationships.

Baekhyun walks into the library and his eye immediately close in on Kris sitting by himself. There are three thick books lying open in front of him, yet he’s on his phone. Maybe Baekhyun and Kris are alike.

Kris looks up from his phone and looks right into his eyes. Baekhyun thinks it’s like one of the scenes from a drama (finally) where the hero and heroine lock eyes and the world around them stops for a while. Not that it stopped for Baekhyun. It went really fast. How else can he explain why it feels like he ran a marathon? And then Kris goes ahead and smiles at him and bam! His heart is beating too slowly.

Acting as nonchalant as he could, he takes a seat beside Kris.

“What are you reading? Wait, no. What are you not reading?” Baekhyun asks innocently while leaning over to peek at his books. It’s Art History. Booringgg.

“Hey! I see you do the same all the time too!” Kris laughs, the soft puffs of his breath blowing a few strands of his hair onto his ears. Baekhyun realizes with a start that they’re sitting really close together. He forgets to focus on the fact that Kris just admitted to looking at him always.

“You try studying with Jongdae, you’ll understand!”

“Why aren’t they here with you? You seem to be glued to Jongdae’s hip always.” Baekhyun misses yet another opportunity to ask Kris about looking at him since his mind was busy conjuring images of the words that left his mouth.

“Disturbing.” Baekhyun mumbles and shakes his head and goes back to leaning into his own chair. While Kris looks on at him amusedly.

“Jongdae is busy serenading some girl in the choir room. I ran out before having to witness anything that might want to make me gauge my eyes out. Chanyeol is busy doing what Chanyeol does. And Junmyeon’s having a study date with Lu Han. Took them long enough.”

“I can assure you Lu Han is a nice guy. You’ve always seemed a little overprotective of him,” Kris trailed off uncertainly.

“Junmeyon’s a big softie. We’re all like that with him.” Baekhyun said sheepishly. He thinks Baekhyun is overprotective? Wow, he’s in for it when he sees how Chanyeol really acts around Junmyeon.

Kris lets out a large yawn and looks at his books disdainfully. Why did he never talk to Kris?

“You gonna study?” Kris looks at him with sleepy eyes and Baekhyun can only nod. He’s always had a thing for cute things. And it’s not his fault that Kris was being all sorts of cute as far as he’s concerned.

“Great! I know the perfect place to go to!” Kris beams at him “That is if you would like to come with…”

“I’d love to!” The ‘Libraries aren’t my style anyway.’ Gets stuck in his throat when Kris reaches down for his bag and his shirt rides up a bit, showing a glimpse of pale skin. Huh. That’s an interesting response. Baekhyun thinks to himself.

They end up walking two blocks to the café, Paper Hearts, where Jongdae works at.

“They make the most amazing cheese cake.” Kris gushes as he opens the door for him. It’s true; they do have the best cheese cakes.

Kris gives their order while Baekhyun snags a table for themselves. He’s always here to annoy Jongdae and he’s never run into Kris. Not even once.

“I come here as much as I can. Lu Han showed me the place back in our senior year in school.”

That’s the first real piece of information he’s getting, and Baekhyun likes getting to know Kris Wu. They might have been best friends too. If only he did not have to break the poor guys heart.


The “coffee date”, as Chanyeol labeled it, proved to be useless. They talked absolutely nothing about dating and relationships, except for mention how Lu Han must really man up and confess to Junmyeon (Baekhyun couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the irony of that).All Baekhyun knows is that Kris is single. Does he even like boys? Or girls? Or anything for that matter? See? Useless. Perhaps not completely. He did get to know Kris better, and perhaps that’s one step closer to his goal: getting Kris to admit he likes him. Shy guys wouldn’t confess just like that. That’s why he’s trying to get closer to Kris, he justifies himself saying this.

1. Keep your time with him light and fun.

The coffee not-date turned into more coffee not-dates and going to the games and sometimes even watching the practice games.

(Baekhyun met Chanyeol’s most avid fan Kyungsoo. Explaining to Kyungsoo that he came for Kris and not Chanyeol was tiring. Kyungsoo knows judo. Baekhyun found out the hard way.)

He had always laugh a little extra for all the dumb jokes Kris makes, and Kris always indulged him on every whim and fancy he sprouts on Kris.

That is the reason why Baekhyun finds himself glaring at Kris to give him the ball. Kris is smiling down at him, looking very smug, while keeping the ball out of his reach. Now, Baekhyun isn’t that short, yet here he is peering up at Kris through his lashes hoping that will melt.

He brought it upon himself, to be honest. He was the one who suggested they should try having a friendly match. It’s Kris, Chanyeol and Lu Han against Baekhyun, Junmyeon and Jongin. Jongdae had refused to play, saying he'd rather not embarrass himself. Yet here he is, to the side in a cheerleader's costume-armed with pompoms and jumping round, purposely swishing his short skirt. Oh well.

Thankfully Jongin snatches the ball out of Kris’s hands and that seems to get time moving once again.

Kris reaches out and ruffles his hair and Baekhyun pretends to not see the affection in his eyes. It’s getting too hot and he can’t wait to get a shower. His eyes trail after the ball (which is once again in Kris’s hands.)

It’s always easier to pretend there are no feelings lying hidden anywhere.


The game ended with Baekhyun’s team losing (none of them are surprised).

He’s wiping his sweat away with a towel when he sees Kris make his way towards him, water bottle in both hands.

“Losers treat! I want fried chicken!” Trust Park Chanyeol to disrupt whatever might have happened between him and Kris.

Chanyeol and Jongin are bottomless pits, as much as he loves them both he’d rather them not eat while he’s paying. In fact he can already see his money flying away from him.

“Hey. It’s on me. Don’t mind him. And don’t think of backing out” Kris nudges him with a shoulder. He’s drenched; hair sticking down to his forehead and his skin is flushed from the exertion of a good game. This reminds Baekhyun of why he started talking to Kris.

He’s still so far away from the end of his mission.

Baekhyun always know when someone likes someone, and now he’s worried.


The game plan remains forgotten; stuck on the wall above his study table, and Baekhyun learns to enjoy being around Kris and his friends.

If all else fails, he can console himself by telling he gained amazing friends from this endeavor.

Baekhyun is now the person Kris seeks out when they all meet up, and also his preferred study companion (They actually manage to study during their time together. Baekhyun is amazed at himself). And Baekhyun slowly opens himself up for Kris. It is not an easy task, but Baekhyun has always appreciated a good challenge.

All goes smooth sailing until one day Jongdae discovers a little piece of paper sticking up from one of Kris’s note books.

“This is a bunch of numbers.” Jongdae states looking confused.

“Yes, a bunch of numbers that makes up a phone number.” Kris says, swiftly reaching out to pluck the paper out of Jongdae’s grasp.

“Young Sehunnie seems to be quite smitten with you, Krissy.” Lu Han teased.

Baekhyun feels his heart skip a beat or two.

“He’s not…smitten” Kris insists, trying his best to sound blasé. It would have worked if it weren’t for the tip of his ears turning red.

“You never indulge any of your possible suitors! You like him too?!”

Needless to say, Baekhyun tunes out of the rest of the conversation.


Sehun, Oh Sehun. Even Baekhyun has heard about him. He is the pride and glory of the Dance Department. He had a lithe body and a gorgeous face. Baekhyun can see the appeal. It also does not help his case that Sehun is humble and shy. He helps tutor helpless students and he’s got good grades to boast about.

Baekhyun still hasn’t gotten Kris to confess to him. And now to add to his woes, he seems to have competition. Splendid. He thinks dryly.

Part II⏭

round two

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