i apologize for my lack of updates. life is busy. (in a good way)
this weekend was fun.
friday evening bonfire & bonding:
emily & me & emily:
haynes with a beard & looking drunk:
friends <3
saturday was one of those perfect weather days that was MADE for football:
a bit of a roomie reunion:
quite possibly my favorite person ever:
sally ware!
celebrating the sunlight:
Yesterday was a long day. Let me explain. Class from 8-3:30 with no breaks (not even to eat). Lunch consisted of nutter butters and a diet coke. Rabbit surgery did not go as planned, in fact ours started to wake up mid-iliac cannula. Gross. Got a ride home due to massive clouds and rainfall out of nowhere (God bless you, Kathryn) only to come home to news of Benji's car accident the night before.
Now sometimes i tend to get wrapped up in my own busy auburn pharmacy school routine, and then God takes things like this to give me a nice slap across the face and bring me back to the reality of what matters most in this life. And the reminder that any day, i may lose it. Or any of my wonderful friends could lose theirs. And what am i doing on a daily basis to further HIS kingdom and make HIS name known? Not enough, thats for sure. My heart sure goes out to his family... that kind of stuff just shouldn't happen, & it's SO sad. But ya'll this life is so temporary! All the crap that we let consume our time and thoughts and energy... it could all be gone so quickly. So humbling to be reminded of that...
On a more positive note: seth cohen returns to my life tomorrow night. and if i can get through these next few weeks of tests... adpi mallard ball is quickly approaching, and ellie lee is returning to the plains. warms my heart.