Come enter
Kris Allen Fans Unite For Charity First Annual
Charity Drive Design Challenge!!!! Ever thought of a really great idea for a charity drive, but had no idea how to go about running it, hosting it or promoting it? Ever come across a charitable organization whose work blew you away, but you didn’t know how to go about raising as much money as possible for it?
Here’s your chance to make your vision a reality (and maybe win a
pretty amazing prize at the same time)!
Your friends at
Kris Allen Fans Unite For Charity have started a
super cool new contest, wherein you could win the chance to have us host, organize, promote, & administer a month-long charity drive for your favorite charity or drive type idea! Anyone can enter this contest:
- Entries accepted: October 1 - October 15, 2011
- Community voting on the winning charity and drive type idea: October 16-23, 2011
- Charity drive: November 1-30, 2011
All entries in this contest will be anonymous, so please come join the community, enter the contest, and get inspired by all the great work being done in the world!
If you have any questions or comments about the contest, feel free to comment here or to post a comment at the contest post itself. Looking forward to seeing all of your amazing ideas! And please do advertise this contest far and wide! You can use the banner above to post it to your own journal, to other communities who would be interested, etc.
And don’t forget to
follow us on Twitter at @KrisFansUnite!! It’s the best place to hear about news and updates on any kind of Kris-related gifting or charity work, hosted by us or by others!