Dec 30, 2004 22:48
Time for an update..All about my break!
Monday-I got up at 7:30. I left about 8:20 to go babysit. It wasn't too bad. Maddy and Kera were good. I got home about 5:30. I ate dinner then went to lisa's for a lil. then came home and watched the gaem but i fell asleep. It was boring.
Tuesday- Babysat again. The girls were bad. Maddy didn't nap. So she was cranky. Kera teeth hurt so she was cranky. I didn't get home till like 6. So i laid down and stuff becouse i was beat.
Wednesday- Babysat. Last day = pay day! It was a pretty easy day. One thing, Barney= God! After babysitting i went to caitlin's. It was a good time. Lauren and kevin came over too. We played DDR. Wow. WE watched Napolean Dynamite and hung out. It was a good time.
Today- My dad took me to best buy and we finally got ddr. Then Alyssa and lisa came over and we played.The funniest thing happened. But i won't tell you about it. Then me alyssa lisa and heather went Bowling. Funny Time. Very interesting. I am in love with jet ski racer in the arcade. It Vibrates :o