Jan 04, 2012 10:42
Since time is so non-linear, I have quite the time trying to keep track of it. If only I had a doctor handy...
Anywho. I will start posting my fanfiction here (oh, no, not another fangirl!). This is quite the useful site, isn't it? I do enjoy sharing my frequently incomprehensible thoughts with the netherworld of the internet. Not that anyone is actually reading this... >.> All the better. I would hate for all of you non-readers to lose brain cells on my behalf.
So. A general update is at hand, I suppose? I really haven't a focus, as I haven't any fics up yet. So I'll just drum up mostly pointless talk until I do have some worthy material.
I've gone on a Dr. Who kick. I mean, don't get me wrong, I have always been a fan. I've just recently, however, started catching up on episodes I've missed (which, granted, is not a small number. In my defense, I live in America and don't have BBCA, so I have to utilize this wonderful thing called the world wide web.). I do so love the show. It's, well... brilliant! And may I just say, David Tennant... yummy. Matt Smith, too, of course. I just haven't seen nearly as much of him, and I was already biased toward Mr. Tennant. (Did you SEE him as Hamlet? Heavens...)
In regards to this "fanfiction" thing, I believe most of mine will be comprised of Supernatural. If you can't tell by my userpic, I'm a bit of a fan. (A bit? -.-; *understatement*). This is one show which I am obsessive about, and you can be sure I'm caught up in this regard. For those of you who have seen the mid-season finale... did you have the same reaction I did? Which was pretty much as follows:
AHSFIIDFIOUDIDFKLKJJKENFwhaaaabobbynowhatyouicanwhaSDFJKJIOKLKKLJLC! *drops to floor, dead*
From what I've gathered, I wasn't alone in my... shall we say, outrage? Yes, that about does it.
Oh, yes, quite possibly the best line ever: "As fate would have it, I adopted two boys. And they grew up great. They grew up heroes!"
I may have almost been sobbing. Maybe.
Anyway, that's enough raving to the non-existent masses for now.
Ciao, non-readers! 'Til next time.
dr. who,
david tennant,
doctor who