Debate Questions They Won't Ask

Aug 21, 2012 01:45

"Will either of you seek to repeal the Community Re-Investment Act?"
"Should the US remain in a state of national emergency re: the Iran Hostage Crisis of 1979?"
"Acknowledging that there are shades of grey to this: Communism, good or bad?"
"Both of you have said you want to protect Medicare, and have accused each other of sabotaging it. Can you tell us which clause of the Constitution authorizes Medicare to even exist?"
"If you answered the previous question by saying there's a general-purpose power for the federal government to take things and spend money on whatever it likes: do you think Madison, Hamilton and Jay were wrong when they specifically explained why that was a paranoid reading of the Constitution?"
"No screwing around with this 'baseline budgeting' thing. Should the federal government get bigger or smaller over the next four years? Or are we just debating whether to make it bigger, or much bigger?"
"And finally: Do you think this election is mainly about whether unemployment and GDP growth are above some magic number?"


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