Краткий художественный перевод раздела о попытках армии США получить магазинную винтовку:

Mar 09, 2023 08:00

Конгресс США, 1872 год: Армия, вот вам уйма бабла на многозарядную винтовку. Только не тратьте их на что-то другое, а то мы вас, мудаков, знаем.
Совет генерала Терри: Мы тут попробовали то и сё, ничего не выбрали.
Майор Рено из 7-й кавалерии, 1876 год, во время битвы при Литтл-Биг-Хорне: Дебилы, блядь.

Оригинальный английский текст:

"On 6 June 1872, Congress approved the “Act making appropriations for the support of the Army for the year ending 30 June 1873, and for other purposes.” Section 1 of the appropriations act included an authorization:
For manufacture of arms at the national armory, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be expended until a breech-loading system for muskets and carbines shall have been adopted for the military service, upon the recommendation of the board to be appointed by the Secretary of War, which board shall consist of not less than five officers, as follows: One general officer, one ordnance officer, and three officers of the line, one to be taken from the cavalry, one from the infantry, and one from the artillery:
And provided further, That the system, when so adopted, shall be the only one to be used by the Ordnance Department in the manufacture of muskets and carbines for the military service; and no royalty shall be paid by the Government of the United States for the use of said patent to any of its officers or employés, or for any patent in which said officers or employés may be directly or indirectly interested.
The specifics of the appropriations act required the adoption of a standardized action for both rifles and carbines. The officers detailed for the Board were Brigadier General Alfred H. Terry, U.S. Army; Colonels Peter V. Hagner, Ordnance Department and Henry B. Clitz, 10th Infantry; Major Marcus A. Reno, 7th Cavalry; Captain LaRhett L. Livingston, 3rd Artillery. Terry’s name, the Board he presided over, and the findings of that Board became intertwined resulting in references to the “Terry Board.” Major Reno remained with the 7th Cavalry after the conclusion of the Board and gained lasting disdain for his actions during the Battle of Little Big Horn."

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