Oct 09, 2004 21:06
im going to adress you since its only fair to tell the person you are
talking specifically to them, and since you picked this medium that it
how i will respond. first of all it takes more then just haveing STUFF
in common to be friends, it takes trust, which i no longer have in you.
looking back over the corse of our "friendship" you have always walked
all over me. you made me feel like i was lower than you in almost every
aspect. friends are supposed to lift eachother up NOT push eachother
down. you darlin didnt push me down all the way but just enough to chip
away at my confidence. i was constantly lifting you up helping you not
take the consequences for your actions, well im done. also you
constantly cause drama, since i have distanced myself from you there is
no drama to the degree that there is when im around you. and please
dont think that my silence is only because you and david are now
dating. im not following the footsteps of cara and david from two
summers ago by saying " i'll only be your friend if you break up". i
truely want you two to work out, and you can ask david, im not bitter
about that...everyone saw it coming, it was no surprise. no what i am
doing is seperating myself from you all together. im tired of the
drama, tired of sympathizing, tired of everything. darlin ive seen your
games first hand, ive seen and felt the consequences, and i've decided
that i'm done. you are ruthless when it comes to getting what you want,
and in a specific space and time that can be a good thing, but it is
NOT a good thing when you screw over your friends without looking back.
im taking myself out of the hitting range...and the only way i can see
me not getting hit is to remove myself from your life completely. i
have made a new life for myself now, one where im not only happy but i
have friends that truely care about how i feel before their own
feelings. i no longer have to compete with anyone but myself. there is
nothing more to say and nothing more to do.