May 23, 2004 18:50
then my 21st b-day...and summer! I'm so excited to be almost finished with school! I am so relieved that this is the last week. It will be a huge weight lifted off my shoulders as soon as it's over! I'll finally be 21 as well, so i can party and get my tattoo ASAP! I'm going to get one for my recently departed grandpa who i was very close to! I miss him soooo much and it was so hard to lose him and be swamped with school work as well as console my dad's broken heart. My heart goes out to him and i know a piece will always be missing from my father. I was relieved to hear an upbeat attitude in his voice when he told me that "i know my dad is reunited with my mom and i know he will forever be happy". Those words came out of my father and i was shocked but felt a sigh of relief. i know that just that thought made him realize that grandpas' not gone for good, he's just always watching over us and will help us from above, not physically.
On a lighter note, i've been saying that guys suck and that i don't want anything to do with them or have a relationship with one for a long time. that is kinda starting to fizzle. Only cause one guys whom i intern with at Chrewd is trying his hardest to break my barriers and i hate it. He started to today until i walked away from him so i didnt' have to talk to him again. =) yeah, no more needs to be said! =) I'm just excited that this weekend is coming so fast. I may not get my grandpas' tattoo right away cause i know it'll be expensive and i don't have that money right now. I may just get something smaller and get it on the inside of my wrist instead. Don't worry, there will be a picture of it as soon as it's done! =) hehe!
I have to go and attempt some homework now and study and do everything else i left till the end of the semester! =)