hey hey

Apr 04, 2004 22:42

Today was a good day i suppose. I worked all day and it was soo busy but it kinda made the time go by faster. One thing i remember from my deep sleep yesterday is that i was dreaming about my friend Evan but i can't remember what exactly happened. It threw me off cause i got woken up at 5am by my phone cause i had a voice message. Low and behold it was from Evan but it was from like 1:30am and the message ring was still going off. I thought that it was really weird! Other than that i was chillin at work slept till 10am and it was really nice. I wish today could've been just a chill day but i had to be at work cause i'm not working much this week. I have saturday morning and that's it. Mainly cause Easter is on sunday and obviously everything is closed. The new person who is making the schedule decided to give me friday off too. DOn't get me wrong or anything cause i'm grateful but at the same time i need the money cause the following week i'm going to Skate and Surf Fest and i won't be working at all!! I don't know what i'm going to do cause i need to buy those tickets ASAP and a plane or train ticket to come back! I need to figure it all out and nothing seems to be working right. Maybe i should just not go at all!! I"m starting to think it may be best! I mean, i'm paying $100 bucks for a 3-day fest which i'm only going to see 2 days of and then i have to pay for train fare back which is working out to be like $200 or less. So it's $300 that i'm spending in a weekend minimum and that doesn't include expenses of food and concert wear. I hate this!! Why does everything cost soo much money?? Oh and i forgot that i need a place to stay while i'm there for the 3 days. If i drive at least i could sleep in my car and save a buck that way but then i'd have to find parking. I don't know anything right now!! I need to ask my dad if there is anyway i can get a reliable car or semi reliable and drive the way to the fest. I have to convince him that it's the most feasable! That'll be tricky but i think i can manage! So does anyone have any ideas on that one?? I"m off to bed after i research this ordeal! =P
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