Supernatural Tally, Part 02-03

Apr 21, 2008 22:56

Hi New Friends! Welcome to the delicious nuttiness that is the Tally! (Welcome back old friends too... don't want anyone to be left out!) So here's how it works: If you haven't seen all aired-in-the-US eps, this could get spoilery. Just sayin'!

And So:  Season Two, Episode Three, "Bloodlust." Gordon! Vampires! Shades of Grey! Continued Daddy Angst!

The Count:

Dean saves Sam:     0
--I fell out of my friggin' chair LOLing when Gordon had that knife to Sam's throat. Never again will he get such a golden opportunity!

Sam saves Dean:     0
--Only in the sense that he lets him see that his new best buddy is Gordon 'Crazypants' Walker. Still, good lookin' out, Sammy!

Fake ID:     2
--"World Weekly News," "Weekly World News." "World-" "Weekly World-" "I'm new." AHAHAHAHA!!! And.... Ooooooo, the Doctors Winchester! *goes off to fantasy land...*

Dean draws a weapon:     2
--Both times, he draws on Gordon. Good instincts there, Dean-o.

Deam kicks in a door:     0
--Sadly Dean's skillz are not on display in this ep. But I would like to here acknowledge the ice that runs through Sammy's veins that allows him to count the seconds while being kidnapped (or puppy-napped, if you like) by vampires. Thanks for freaking me out, robot-boy.

Sam gets choked:     1
--Ah Gordon. A lesson: You put a knife to Sam Winchester's throat, he will take your (crazycrazycrazy)head off. Mmkay?

Sam's Bitchface:     10
--Surprisingly, lots of deadpan moments at times when a bitchface is usually called for. Huh. Sammy are you... growing up?! *tear*

Dean's Eyebrow:     85
--Three episodes in and Dean's Eyebrow has blown right past the record-setting count of Sam's Bitchface. O.O

Underwear!:     0
--C'mon, boys! You're getting so prudish in your old age...

Dean snacks DRINKS:     6
--Dean was more in the beverage mode this ep... sadly, not a cocktail weenie in sight!

Sam kisses:     0
--Limited possibilities for action in this ep.

Dean kisses:     0
--Although Dean has kissed a vampire before...

Psychic Visions:
--You'd think Sammy's Special Powers might give him a head's up about Gordie. But nooo...

Tied Up!:     1
--Query: How does one capture a Manbeast? Answer: With rope. And a gag. And a hood. And a motel-room phone to the head.   Also: honorary mention - Gordon's psycho-ass also gets tied to a chair. Hmmm... if I recall correctly, there's a lot of bondage going on in the Gordon eps...

Breaking and Entering:     0
--Honorary mention: Dean has to hotwire his baby because your not-so-friendly neighborhood Gordon pinched the keys! (why the Spiderman reference? I honestly have no idea...)

Sam on the Computer:     0
--Sam falls back on his big lazy butt and researches the S2 way: he calls the Roadhouse. Which does result in a fairly classic line: "Yeah, and Hannibal Lecter's a good psychiatrist." Hey... wasn't there another Silence of the Lambs reference while they were in the morgue? Why yes, yes there was. Who wants to bet that Sera (or maybe Kripke...) had just re-watched Foster and Hopkins before writing this ep? Anybody?

Tummys!:     2
--Sammy and his striped shirt... YUM.

Dean WiseCracks:     6
--Half the wisecracking of the previous ep. Oh noes, defense mechanism crumbling! Emotions coming to the surface! Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!

Sammy Jokes:     3
--Progress! He made one joke in 2x01, two in 2x02, and thr- hey, wait a minute. I see a pattern, folks! Squint hard and tilt your head. See it?! SEE IT?!

Pinned!:     0
--Dang, I kinda miss this one! Acting with a wall: builds character, boys!

Dean Smirks:     10
--It's like Sammy's Bitchface!! It comes out when they fight!!

Dean is thrown into something:     1
--He flys through the air with such... 'grace'. And smashes a coffee table on his way down. Oops. Hope Lenore didn't want to take that with her...

Rain?:     YES!
--It's that rain that reads misty on camera, but you just know it was friggin' POURING while they were filming. Oh, boys. It's like boot camp. No other gig will ever be this hard.  >.>  Hopefully. Maybe? Eh *tosses them towels*

Line that popped-
D: "Think about all the hunts we went on Sammy, our whole lives."
S: "Kay."
D: "What if we killed things that didn't deserve killin'?"

OMG! Shades of Grey! You mean the world isn't GOOD VS. EVILLYBADNONOTGOODNESS?!?!   O.O
In all seriousness: What have they killed so far that didn't deserve to die? Let's see...(yes, I'm really doing it. Yes all the S1 eps. Eccentric? Me? Why, thank you!):

1x01- Constance Welch (deserved to be put to rest) 
1x02-Wendigo (victim of fate maybe, but deserved to die)
1x03- Peter (a victim. but they didn't kill him, so...)
1x04- Demon (thank you Ruby, now we're hazy on that one too. anyhow, they didn't kill it. just an exorcism)
1x05- Bloody Mary (another victim. but again, they didn't exactly kill her.)
1x06- Shapeshifter (evil, sadistic. but... the whole 'born different, hideous' thing? damn grey...)
1x07- Jacob (murdering psycho in life, murdering psycho in death. deserved what he got.)
1x08- Bugs (they didn't break the curse, but even if they could have, I'd say that chief was pretty justified in cursing the land)
1x09- Poltergeist (boys didn't kill it... but it was taken out by a Winchester. And it deserved it. That plumber was kinda hot. And nobody messes with kids without getting what they deserve.)
1x10- Dr. Ellicott (sadistic psycho in life, sadistic psycho in death. Burn, baby, burn.)
1x11- Fugly Pagan God (actually I think the townspeople deserve the 'baddie' status in this ep. but whichever, both got their comeuppance.)
1x12- Reaper? Nope, Sue Ann. (as Sam said... desperate, trying to save her husband. but also... political extremism with death at it's disposal. plus, the boys didn't exactly kill her themselves...)
1x13- Racist Ghost&GhostTruck (probably insane and a racist bastard in life. deserved it.)
1x14- Max (the boys didn't kill him. and he probably didn't deserve to die... but if he'd killed his stepmom[who will always be Zelda to me] he might not have been as innocent.)
1x15- The Benders (crazy fucks. not that they're swimming with the rest of the gene pool, but take 'em out anyway.)
1x16- Meg & Daevas (daevas probably deserved something... as did Meg, 'cause even if she was once human, that part's long gone. but our boys couldn't bring it this ep)
1x17- Mordechai (tulpa. no one's fault, exaclty... deserved to go, but did he actually go?)
1x18- Shtriga (feeds off children until they're dead. evil, no question. deserved more than it got)
1x19- Melanie Merchant (another case of crazy-in-life, crazy-and-powerful-in-death. let her burn!)
1x20- Vampires (["gets funnier every time I hear it..."] deserved it a lot more than Lenore and her clan in THIS *points above* ep. but... they certainly were a lot more human than most of the things the boys'd hunted 'til then.)
1x21- YED/Azazel, Meg, Tom (demons. used to be that simple, remember?)
1x22- YED/Azazel, Meg. (I repeat: demons. these guys used to be human?)

2x01- Reaper (well, she's what's 'hunted' anyway. Just doing her job!)
2x02- Rakshasa (feeds on human flesh. ugly. deserves it!)
2x03- Christina and Conrad (the veggi-vamps that get killed. ok, not exactly vegitarian, but as close as vampires come. they didn't deserve it. CUE THE ANGST!!)

Disclaimer: I think I had silly-sauce at some point today. I'm not usually this unbalanced! I swear... >.>  In any case, mistakes are mine and the show is not. How unfair is that?!

Feedback: Have I gone totally over the edge? Y/N? Discuss.

ETA: New Friends! A vague explanation of why I am the way I am can be found here. Questions? Comments? Recomendations of a good mental hospital? All are accepted!

season two, supernatural, tally

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