Dec 05, 2004 22:00

Sooo i had an excellent night saturday night. JD took me to Sigma Phi Delta's annual Yule Bachen holiday dinner. I woke up at about 2 and began to get ready. Caitlyn and i had to do alot of running around friday to find me a neckklace and earrings... but only ended up getting ribbon. I did my hair very randomly.. but i LOVED it when i was finished! Well JD, Scotty, Krista and I arrived at 5:15 for "social hour"- Basically i ran around the house insane meeting people and shaking their hands like i normally do. In every separate room was a different cocktail. After sampling all of the drinks, twice, I ended up goin back to what i always do- Sex on the Beach. Welp, i dont like sissy drinks too much so instead i stole the vodka bottle used to make the bowl of Sex on the Beach, and offered myself a few shots. Which i promptly accepted. Since ppl were walking around all over the house,a bunch of us all joined in in the shot-taking-
 This is my favorite- Were all happy and Scotty in the black is SO excited to take this shot! WOOO!! 
 Then, OOHHH bad shot! Look at that face! and then he starts to cough (as he did with EVERY shot he took that night)

Krista, Scotty, Jd, and I

 Krista and I

We later all piled into a big bus to head to the Holidae Iiiin for dinner. Mmmmm steak- and u better believe i had that salt caked on!


As the night went on, So did the shots! ALl the boys gave eachtoher secret santa gifts.. one kid got a leash, so, naturally, i pulled him around with it!  After we got back fomr the hotel i went back to my room to change into normal clothes.

 -the frat members.

Later we all headed down to the basement to make the infamous SPD Popcorn in the 50 year old- never-washed popcorn pot. mmmmm


I dont know if any of you have hung upside down and tried to chug beer, while your already completely wasted, but as of last night, i have. Not saying that it worked at all tho... In the basement there are two pipes about 8 inches apart- the boys always stick their feet between them and hang. I decided ot do it too (even tho some bitch girl was like "NOOO only boyus can do it! its a liabilitly issue!" - no, bullshit is what that is! so i called her a bitch and went up anyways!) I kicked and i swung.. but i jsut coudlnt get my feet up there.. i could hardly feel them too! so scotty helped me get my feet up, then i dropped down, swinging. Scotty handed me the bear mug adn told me to drink form my upper lip. well wtf does that mean when ur drunk? nothign ot me! so i tried to drink it like normal.. and that didint work out at alll.

 Im not sure if u can see, but im pooring the glass AWAY from me, straight ONTO the floor. HAHAH.. and apparnetly tat kid in the gray is trying ot catch the spilling beer? i dunno. But scotty got angry and deided to try adn help me out, so as i was yelling at him to stop, he started tryign to poor beer in my mouth., naturally, my moving mouth and his unsteady drunken hands did not mix, and the beer just came spiling all down my face and thru my hair! i was pissed so i jumped down leaving my shoes stuck between the two pipes still. cept i didint realize it till some kid came in the kitchen and put my sheoso n the counter. i yelled at him cuz i didint understand how he got them and thought he stole them off me.

This is soon after turnign right side up again.. i knwo u cant see. but if u zoom in, you can se that my face is covered in beer at the moment! tho.. it dosent lok like i care all too much..

I finalyl came home around 5 to find NONE OF MY ROOMATES HOME! and i cant sleep alone. so i stayed up and danced, watched tv, made food, and sang- all the while still drunk. completely. ended up passing out on the floor and waking up form the sun adn crawling into bed. AWWWWW what a wonderful night. The hangover did its justice tho!

Sorry this is so damn long! you know u all loved it tho!
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