renewed appreciation for jainism

Nov 03, 2007 12:50

Right: that's that done.

The first stage, the Pack Up Your Shit And Relocate It stage, is done. There were annoying setbacks - the first day that I had slated for packing, I ended up working until 2330, and on the fallback day, I came home to a power outage - but the actual moving turned out to be easier than I thought. I had help, big transparent plastic boxes, a rented moving van, and a conveniently placed window. Also, things fit in the new room that I did not expect to fit, which is gratifying.

Your excellent advice - for which, thank you! - is on the wall. We'll see how things go.

Bad things about the new place: location.  Desolate.

Good things: cheap for the area, amiable-so-far housemates who are perfectly willing to let me tinker with the house's network (I am apparently a big step up from the housemate I'm replacing), closer to work than before.


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