(no subject)

Feb 23, 2005 20:50

I do believe that I have a sinus headache...and I started having my cup of tea with Aunt Flo.


The recent drama in life consists of girls in cosometology class become jealous. Let me descibe the girls in my class...who I talk to on a daily basis.

Mardie - Lost her dad in september, short, mexican, doesn't really know much...and generally just changes and adapts to the group. i.e.-she changes the way she acts depending on who she is talking to.

Vanessa - From Belize. (mexican) Have a DAMN halirious accent ("three beers" turns into "tree beears"). I hate her morals with a passion. She thinks that just because her boyfriend (who is 29..that's a completely different issue there...) might be cheating on her, she assumes that it is okay to go out and cheat on him because "it's right". ...riiiight...

Ashley Monique - Black/Mexican, very pretty, very naive about things and not that innocent. Her parents STILL ground her. She sits right next to my station.

Annbelle - She's the youngest, mexican, has a daughter who is 1 1/2. She's 17. Very nice and sweet.

Ashley - My new friend...now that I think about it, she's mexican too...very cynical personality with dark humor. Has a very annoying ex-boyfriend that won't leave her alone.

Okay, now that you have all the information, let me tell you what's going on. Ashley and I have just recently discovered how much we have in common. She has basically been doing things with me all weekend..and week. Well, the last couple of days, she has been sitting over at my station with me while we work. She uses a manicuring table as a "portable station". Kinda funny if you ever saw it. Anway, Vanessa and Mardie are all upset because she isn't sitting on THIER side of the room anymore and not talking to THEM. Which really isn't the case at all. First off, Ashley has never really talked to them...they have always just kinda ignored her. Second, they don't do their work..and when they do it...it's not always right. I, on the other hand, do my work...so I can get it over with and do nothing on Fridays, and I tend to almost always know what's going on.

Now, they are all acting jealous because Ashley won't come over and talk to them. Then, they said, "What?? are you mad at us? I don't understand why you are talking or sitting with us??" Her:"Because I want to talk to Sarah..." Them: "well...then."

Here's my beef with them. I HATE VANESSA'S GUTS. Why?? Because she asks me to repeat every god damned thing I say. Such as, if I'm in the end of a conversation, she will expect me to repeat everything to her just because she wasn't paying attention. I hate that! It's like talking to my grandparents.
And THEN, I just hate her morals sooo bad. I mean, I thought I had bad morals. You have no idea how annoyed you would be if YOU met her, especially if she drives me that crazy.

So...I'm not really sure what's going on..but if anything happens, I will be sure to let you know.

Amanda and Erin will be coming in this weekend! Yay!

I hate cramps.
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