another message from the elusive steve

Aug 21, 2004 01:22

so lets get a summation of my life as of current just for those who think i dropped off the face of the earth....

Section 1: Work

I've been working pretty decent hours lately.. i'm sick of waiting for my raise that i was told i'd probably be getting soon.. ohhh.. about 3 months ago... and i know i deserve atleast a dollar more than i'm making.. so yeah... i've sorta started managing sunday mornings... but for some reason not this sunday? yeah.. so when i get a raise i'll be really happy and you'll know it :-p also officially been working there for a whole year now.. so hooray for me :-p

Section 2: Ultimate

Ultimate is my way of "keeping in shape" and its really fun. Us guys have been playing it sunday nights for a while now and its really fun.. we still havent got a full 7v7 like we've hoped for.. but thats kinda our own fault... i think part of the reason why i like it is because i'm pretty good at it.. and i like trying to keep up with dave cause hes so much more athletic than me and all.. so when we are sprinting and i keep up with him it makes me feel good about me.. isnt that sad? looking forward to playing this weekend.. shoudl be a good turnout

Section 3: Car

Still need a car.. i've gone out and looked at a couple but havent really been overly impressed with anything. my brother said he was going to take a look at this one grand am he saw near where he lives... i think i've seen it before somewhere else.. but its 1700 which is like.. the perfect amount... lol... yeah.. i wish car dealers werent money grubbing misinforming assholes.. cause then i wouldnt be sitting in a hatchback for 1400 while this guy tells me he doesnt know anything about it but when he tries to talk me into a car thats twice as much and say i duno he suddenly knows that "i shouldnt get that one because it has a bad transmission"... didnt you say you dont know anything about it? JERK!

Section 4: School

Class starts up for me on thursday, and i have 3 classes.. no clue how i'm getting there yet.. (refer to section 3 for details).. I'm taking Calc 2, intro to programming, and algorithms and computing with c++.. should keep me busy.. and hey.. i'll actually LEARN something about computers.. rather than just kinda... tell the teacher how to do something... I only have classes on tuesdays and thursdays so that will leave time for work(section 1) and free time to do stuff like.. maybe actually.. study for school.. something i really need to learn to do.. i also have to go up to gibsons and figure out what books i need and how mucht hey will cost.. cause.. cant learn too well by myself.. i hope the intro to programming class covers more than the stuff i already know.. granted i havent programmed ina while.. but when my memory is refreshed i hope i dont feel like i'm wasting a few hundred dollars on classes for no good reason... wait.. just kidding.. gettinga degree isnt a waste.. heh...

Section 5: Girls

If u aren't aware of this.. i'm still single.. and.. really not too content with it... it came to my attention that i've been in this situation for.. over a year now.. unless you count dating in which case... was it winter break? or spring break? that i sorta kinda dated someone :-p but either way.. its been a long time since i've been in a relationship and i really miss having someone there that i can turn to and just feel comfortable with and be happy and content and have not a worry in the world when i'm with them... i want someone that makes me feel happy to be me and special.. oh how i wish i felt special... hehe.. anyways... yeah... we wont continue to too much detail in that...

Section 6: Computers

Yeah.. so i spend way too much time on the computer doing nothing productive whatsoever.. i need to start programming.. or learning programs so i can be like.. arent i awesome? I've made some cool pictures.. if u havent seen them i have them posted on deviantart at so check it out... and i'm going to be working on a "portfolio" webstie sometime that will contain pictures, links to other websites i've created and also have a personal biography about me in it... the main page is up at so go ahead and take a look....

Section 7: The Wrap Up

If i left something out that you want me to say something about comment on my journal and i can add more stuff about my life.. cause.. its easy to write about me... i'mthe best person for that job...
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